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HEARING TIME: 9:30 am Cst. 1/7/2022. <br />PETITION 2021-00049 <br />PROPERTY ADDRESS: 825 BAYSHORE DRIVE #804, PENSACOLA, FLORIDA <br />FLORIDA STATUTE: 193.155 Save Our Homes; Florida Constitution Article 7, Section 4; Florida Revenue <br />Rule 12D-8.0065 <br />PETITIONER: Albert Oram <br />ATTORNEY SPECIAL MAGISTRATE: Joseph Haynes Davis, Esq. <br />ESCAMBIA COUNTY VAB BOARD COUNSEL WAS PRESENT: Suzanne Whibbs, Esq. <br />ESCAMBIA COUNTY PROPERTY APPRAISER: Loren Levy, Esq.; William Hynacki; <br />All parties were sworn. <br />All county property values were read into the record by the property appraiser's office. <br />Property Appraiser's evidence packet #1 was admitted without objection. <br />FINDINGS OF FACT: <br />THE PROPERTY APPRAISER PRESENTED <br />The Escambia County Property Appraiser presented by and through the testimony of Escambia County <br />Property Appraiser Counsel Loren Levy, Esq. <br />Testified that the instant matter is one of the portability of the homestead differential cap, the "save our <br />homes" cap differential. Testified that the relevant statute for the matter is Florida Statute 193.155 and <br />that the relevant Florida Constitution section is Article 7, Section 4. <br />Testified thatlthe portability of the homestead differential cap, the "save our homes" cap differential <br />allows for the taxpayers to "port" or take with them the homestead exemption assessment differential <br />to their new residence once the taxpayer has sold the old residence or has abandoned the old <br />residence. Testified and argued that the matter at issue today is one of abandonment of the prior <br />residence. Testified that the issue like the instant one, is one when a taxpayer takes with the taxpayer <br />the benefit that a taxpayer has on the old homestead, must go away from that old homestead and is <br />usually a straight forward matter when there is one person leaving the old homestead and therefore <br />abandoning the benefits of living in the old homestead. However, this issue is somewhat more complex <br />when you have two (2) people living in the former homestead residence and when the two residents of <br />the former homestead are splitting up. In that instance, one person could be leaving and the other <br />person could note be leaving whether the two are a married couple or whether the two people are <br />tenants in common. Article 7, Section 4 (8) (a) of the Florida Constitution allows that you may port <br />within three years and is the Portability provision. Section 1: If the value of your new homestead is <br />more than the value of your old homestead, you can take all of your assessment differential. Testified <br />that the key is abandonment. If your homestead is less than the value of your old homestead, then <br />there is a downsizing. Section (B) is applicable to property owned by more than one person. That is <br />what we have' in the instant matter. In this matter the couple went through a divorce. <br />-25- <br />