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Testified that Florida Statute 193.155 (8) is the same as the Florida Constitution. <br />Testified that abandonment is the key in these two sections. Testified that with two or more persons <br />abandoning the property, the split is based upon the ownership share. Testified that during the divorce <br />proceedings, the husband and wife can designate a portion of the portability differential that will go to <br />the respective spouses. However, if not designated by the parties, there is a default; that being that <br />each party/spouse will take 50% unless in the divorce decree there is an agreement to something <br />different. <br />Testified that in the instant matter, the form available to designate the ownership share of the <br />portability differential that would go to the respective spouses was not filled out and executed and as a <br />result, there is no ownership share designated as part of the divorce. So, in this case you have to go the <br />default mechanism that each former spouse can take 50% subject to the prior homestead property <br />being abandoned as per Florida Statute 193.155 (f) or (g) where the husband and wife may designate <br />the ownership share by filling out the form which did not happen here. <br />Testified that one of the owners may stay in the house and come to the property appraiser and declare <br />that they want to abandon and the document allows for the homestead difference to be split with the <br />person who is moving away and allows for the remaining interest to stay with the person in the prior <br />home/property. <br />Testified to Florida Revenue Rule 12D-8.0065 (2) where you may take the homestead differential cap <br />with you to the new home, but you must abandon the old house. <br />Testified that in the instant matter: the divorced spouse stayed in the old house and did not complete <br />the ownership form that transferred the assessment differential form in conjunction with the dissolution <br />proceedings, nor has the spouse that remained in the house done the temporary or voluntary <br />abandonment application to allow 50% of the assessment differential to go to the divorced husband. <br />Testified that the husband would argue that he is entitled to 50% of the assessment differential but in <br />order to do that you have to take away from the prior homestead and the person that is in the property <br />has not cooperated and did not execute the form to designate the ownership shares and the spouse <br />that has stayed,in the house has not done the temporary abandonment and re-application as required <br />having the abandonment of the prior homestead. <br />Testified that the question is can the Petitioner get the 50% share when the spouse who has stayed in <br />the house has refused to sign the document and refused to cooperate? There is nothing in the statute <br />to carve out;and exception. <br />Testified that no matter if you were tenants in common, joint tenants with the right of survivorship, or <br />tenants by the entirety, there must be a complete and total abandonment of the prior homestead. <br />Testified that the relevant forms (DR-501TS) and the (DR 501T) should have been executed before the <br />divorce which functions as allowing for the complete and total abandonment of the prior homestead. <br />William Hyni acki: Testified that the property appraiser's office cannot do it (grant the "complete <br />abandonment") without the documents executed. The documents must be executed by the ex-spouse. <br />They are: <br />1. DESIGNATION OF OWNERSHIP SHARES OF ABANDONED HOMESTEAD, Form DR-501TS. <br />I <br />I <br />-26- <br />