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08/17/2022 VAB
08/17/2022 VAB
Entry Properties
Last modified
8/25/2022 1:51:11 PM
Creation date
8/25/2022 1:37:56 PM
Meeting Type
Value Adjustment Board
Document Type
Agenda Packet
Meeting Date
Meeting Body
Value Adjustment Board
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2. Formi DR -501T, Transfer of Homestead Assessment Difference. <br />The Property Appraiser's evidence is relevant, credible and admissible. <br />Petitioner Albert Oram testified: Did not leave the property as "husband." Testified that Court order <br />and final judgment was March 20, 2021 which ordered the property to be sold which meant that the <br />Petitioner remained as tenants in common and the designation of "husband and wife" were not <br />applicable. Testified that Petitioner sold his portion to the former spouse in May, 2018. Argued that the <br />form in question requires that the parties be husband and wife during May, 2021 when the portion of <br />the homestead was sold to the ex-spouse. Testified that the judge ordered the house to be sold. <br />Testified that in May, 2018 when the portion was sold to the wife that the parties were tenants in <br />common. Testified that Petitioner agrees with the Property Appraiser's Office that F.S. 193.155 is <br />applicable but the focus should be in the tenants in common relationship and not the husband -and -wife <br />relationship. (8) (d). <br />Testified that Petitioner tried to get the wife to sign the document Form DR-501TS. Testified that when <br />he abandoned the property in May, 2008 that the parties were not married and as a result, they were <br />tenants in common. Argued that Florida Statute 193.155 does not directly address the issue when <br />parties are tenants in common. Only addresses when parties are husband and wife. <br />Testified that when Petitioner purchased the new home in 2019, Petitioner thought that he got <br />portability. Testified that Petitioner did everything on line but then found out that there was no <br />portability and misunderstood the notice from the Property Appraiser's Office. Testified that Petitioner <br />re-applied for the homestead the next year although Petitioner had the homestead already and was told <br />by the Property Appraiser that they would look into the portability issue and was then told that <br />Petitioner did not qualify. Testified that Petitioner had a court order to sell the property to the ex- <br />spouse as a result of the divorce. <br />Argued that abandonment is not defined as "total and complete." Testified that in May, 2018, <br />Petitioner abandoned his portion of the property at issue and was then tenants in common with the <br />prior spouse as a result and that the prior spouse has refused to execute the documents. Argued that <br />the divorce court failed to divide the property properly. Testified that if the Petitioner fails in the instant <br />matter that Petitioner can then petition the Family Law Court that the property was not properly <br />divided. Argued,that should be written into the recommendation. Testified that the divorce final <br />judgment did not include a provision that any other property should be divided 50/50. <br />Argued that abandonment is not defined for tenants in common. Argued that the matter could have <br />been resolved in the final judgment. <br />The Petitioner's evidence is relevant, credible and admissible. <br />CONCLUSIONS OF LAW <br />As to PETITION: 2021-00049 said petition is recommended to be DENIED. <br />-27- <br />
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