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All of Tracts 17, 18 and Tracts 21 through 32, lying South of <br />® Lateral "G" Canal, all in the South One -Half of Section 9, <br />Township 32 South, Range 29 East, in Indian River County, <br />Florida; and that part of Section 10, Township 32 South, Range <br />39 East, lying South of Lateral "G" Canal; all of the Northwest <br />® Qquarter and Northeast Quarter of Section 16, Township 32 <br />South, Range 39 East, lying West of Lateral "G" Canal; and all <br />Of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 15, <br />Township 32 South, Range 39 East, lying West of Lageral "r," <br />Canal; all located in Indian River County, Florida. <br />The Bent Pine Utility Company shall at all times during the life <br />of this franchise be subject to all lawful exercise of the police <br />Power and regulatory authority of the County and to such regulation <br />as the County shall hereafter by resolution provide. <br />SECTION V <br />It is expressly understood and agreed by and between the Bent <br />Pine Utility Company and the County that the Corporation shall save <br />the County and members of the Board harmless from any loss sustained <br />by the County on account of any suit, judgment, execution, claim or <br />demand whatsoever resulting from negligence on the part of the Bent <br />Pine Utility Company in the constrruction, operation or maintenance <br />of the water and sewerage systems under the terms of this franchise. <br />The parties agree that, in the construction of this section, the claim <br />of any person resulting from negligence on the part of the Corporation <br />may be prosecuted directly by such person against the Corporation as <br />if no governmental immunity accrued to the County by virtue of the <br />Bent Pine Utility Company use of a public place of the County, The <br />County shall notify the Corporation promptly after presentation of <br />any claim or demand. <br />SECTION VI <br />The Corporation shall maintain and operate its water and sewage <br />plants and systems and render efficient service in accordance with <br />the rules and regulations as are or may be set forth by the Board <br />from time to time, which shall include but not be limted to "Construc- <br />tion Specifications for Water Distribution and Sewage Collection <br />Facilities" promulgated by the City of Vero Beach, Water and Sewer <br />Department, November 1, 1977, or as amended. The County shall require <br />the Corporation to comply with the above standards as they relate to <br />material specifications, and compaction requirements immediately <br />- 3 - <br />