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Tetra Tech, Inc.
Work Order 9 for Water Quality Study and Potable Water Treatment Facility Evaluation
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Task 3 — Distribution System Water Quality <br />1. Tetra Tech will obtain and compile water quality information from the distribution system <br />provided by the County. The distribution water quality will be compared to the finished water <br />quality from the two treatment facilities to see if it is consistent with the quality at the point of <br />entry or undergoes changes in the distribution system. <br />2. Customer comments received by the County and furnished to Tetra Tech will be separated by <br />type, e.g., brown water, chlorine taste, scaling, pinhole leaks, etc. The customer comments by <br />type will be graphed versus time to determine if there is any seasonal pattern or if an increase in <br />customer comments occurs at a particular point in time that can be correlated to a specific event <br />such as a main break or change in plant operation. <br />3. Customer comments, lead and copper sampling results and other distribution water quality <br />sampling results will be entered into GIS. Maps will be created from the information input to <br />identify areas with increase customer comments, higher lead or copper concentrations and/or <br />with varying water quality. <br />4. Tetra Tech will review recent published distribution water quality and corrosion control <br />information and studies for similar water quality and impact upon premise plumbing systems and <br />summarize the findings and recommendations of those studies as they relate to the County's <br />system. <br />5. Tetra Tech will summarize findings and conclusions based upon the review of the distribution <br />water quality evaluation conducted under this task. Recommendations will be provided for <br />modifications to the treatment process, finished water quality or operations, as appropriate, to <br />improve water quality within the distribution system and minimize the impact upon premise <br />plumbing systems <br />Task 4 — Proiect Updates <br />1. Tetra Tech will schedule and conduct a monthly meeting with the County staff to discuss issues <br />related to the study, make the County aware of any issues that require attention on an expedited <br />basis and discuss the progress of the work. Tetra Tech will prepare and provide to all participants <br />minutes of the meetings including any significant items discussed, decisions made, direction <br />given, items agreed upon and action items. <br />Task 5 — Summary Report <br />1. The work performed under the proceeding tasks will be summarized in a draft report and provided <br />to the County for review and comment. Tetra Tech will meet with the County to discuss the report <br />and receive any comments or questions about the analysis and recommendations. A final report <br />will be prepared and furnished to the County to respond to any comments or questions raised on <br />the draft report. <br />BLK/sl/IRCDUS Evaluation <br />Tt # 200BP Toho -3- 08/31/22 <br />OTETRATECH <br />
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