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EXHIBIT°2' <br />FEE SCHEDULE <br />WORK ORDER NO.4 <br />Method and Amount of Compensation <br />Schulke, Bittle & Stoddard, L.L.C., proposes to provide the above Scope of Services based on the following lump sum <br />fees: <br />1. Surveying: route survey of 56'' Place, from 53rd Street to a point approximately <br />350 ft. north of 531d Street., to include the establishment of a <br />baseline of survey and baseline of construction, location of all existing pavement, <br />utilities and other improvements, and establishment of survey horizontal <br />and vertical control. $4,000.00 <br />2. Geotechnical Evaluation: NA. Borings will be provided at IRCDUS request, <br />as needed. $TBD <br />3. Preliminary Engineering: Consultant coordination; field investigation, <br />documentation review, base plan <br />preparation. 53,500.00 <br />4. Engineering design, preparation of Construction Plans & <br />Specifications, preparation and submittal of permit <br />Applications. Preparation of bid documents. Assistance during <br />Bidding, bid evaluation, contract award. $20,000.00 <br />5. Construction Administration (Pre -con, shop review, pay requests, <br />change orders, minor plan modifications, Periodic Construction/Field <br />Inspections, As -Built review, final documentation for close-out and <br />final certifications.) $5,000.00 <br />6. Reimbursables: Reimbursement for payment of direct costs, including <br />Reproduction and application fees. (See below for actual costs) $2,500.00 estimate <br />Total: $35,000.00 <br />Printing and Reproduction <br />The County shall make direct payment to our office for the cost of printing project plan sheets required for utility <br />coordination and for copies of reports, drawings, specifications, and other pertinent items required by federal, state and <br />local agencies from whom approval of the project must be obtained, material suppliers, and other interested parties, but <br />may charge only for the actual cost of providing such copies based on the following tabulation: <br />8 1/2" x 11" $ 0.12/sheet <br />11" x 17" $ 0.50/sheet <br />31/2" diskette $ 2.00/each <br />CD $ 4.00/each <br />Blue Line Prints $ 0.333/SF <br />Reproducible Sepias $ 0.75/SF <br />Reproducible Mylars $ 1.00/SF <br />Application Fees <br />The county shall make direct payment to our office for the actual cost of all construction permit application fees paid to <br />jurisdictional agencies, including but not limited to: <br />• IRC ROW — N/A (IRCDUS does not pay IRC ROW application fees) <br />• FDEP Water - $250 <br />• IRFWCD Utility — $250 <br />• FDEP NOI - $400 <br />