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E3 CCC Operating Costs: <br />Republic Services will make commercially reasonable efforts to clean up all storm debris at the CCCs <br />in a timely manner. If Indian River County requests expedited clean up, Republic Services will hire <br />third party personnel and clam truck services to perform duties. <br />Cost for CCC operations pre or post -hurricane is based on the cost for hauling additional tonnage <br />from CCC to Indian River County Landfill as detailed below. <br />CCC Hauling Costs: <br />In order to segregate the tonnage of storm debris from normal waste at the CCCs, the average <br />yard waste and average garbage hauled to the Indian River County Landfill for the previous 6 <br />months for all of the CCC's is included as an attachment which will be the basis for determining <br />the impact of the storm debris. Any additional tonnage over the monthly average in the 2 months <br />following the storm that is hauled to the Indian River County Landfill from the CCCs, shall be <br />considered storm debris and shall be charged at the incremental rate stated below. <br />In order to convert the tonnage hauled to a yardage measurement, the appropriate conversion rate shall be: <br />1 cubic yard = 300 /bs. <br />Cost for hauling additional tonnage from CCC to Indian River County Landfill: $20.00/cubic yard <br />(This rate is subject to negotiation to mutually agreeable rate if market conditions have <br />drastically been impacted by the storm) <br />() Landfill Equipment Costs: <br />Republic Services will use commercially reasonable efforts to effectively and efficiently use all <br />current equipment to manage excessive storm debris. Republic Services shall keep all current <br />equipment in working order. SWDD is not responsible for additional equipment needed as a <br />replacement for failure of equipment needed for normal operations. Notwithstanding the <br />foregoing, renting equipment to provide incremental assistance may be required, but such <br />equipment may not be available in the immediate aftermath of a storm. If additional equipment <br />is required and becomes available, Republic Services will rent such required additional equipment, <br />and Indian River County will reimburse Republic Services for Republic Services' cost of rental of <br />such additional equipment, without markup. Republic Services will also attempt to mobilize <br />equipment from other Republic Services operating divisions, and Indian River County will <br />reimburse Republic Services for any additional costs incurred by Republic Services for such <br />mobilization and usage of equipment from other Republic Services operating divisions, without <br />markup. Republic Services will notify and obtain written approval from Indian River County of any <br />rental or mobilization of such additional equipment. <br />Cost for Landfill Equipment mobilization and usage: to be determined by Republic Services, based <br />on availability <br />Landfill Additional Costs: <br />In case of catastrophic damage, Republic Services may incur additional costs to operate the Indian <br />River County Landfill, and such additional costs shall be reimbursed by Indian River County provided <br />there is sufficient documentation and that Republic Services has notified and obtained written <br />approval for these additional costs. Examples of such costs are: additional rock to shore up access <br />roads to allow traffic flow to the Landfill waste reception area; additional costs to pump excessive <br />leachate to not overwhelm the current system. In preparation for any catastrophic storm event, <br />Republic Services can accumulate rock and cover at the Indian River County Landfill. If Indian River <br />County elects to absorb costs for accumulation of rock and cover, the associated costs will be <br />provided to the County for approval prior to purchase and accumulation. <br />Landfill Additional Costs: to be determined by Republic Services, based on necessity. <br />