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Board of County Commissioners Meeting Minutes - Final August 16, 2022 <br />Attachments: Staff Report <br />Order Imposing Fine <br />Palmer Deed <br />QC Deed from 4230 Land Trust to Diackamann 12-19-2019 <br />QC Deed from TWR to 4230 Land Trust 11-15-2019 <br />Recorded Order Imposing Fine <br />No discussion was heard on this Item. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Flescher, seconded by Vice Chairman <br />Earman, to approve staffs recommendation. The motion carried by the following <br />vote: <br />Aye: 3 - Chairman O'Bryan, Vice Chairman Earman, and Commissioner Flescher <br />Absent: 2- Commissioner Adams, and Commissioner Moss <br />13.C. 22-0672 Calcutta Drive Docks <br />Recommended action: Since the deficiencies with Docks 3 and 8 appear to be corrected, the County <br />Attorney's Office recommends that the Indian River County Board of County <br />Commissioners provide guidance as to how to move forward with Docks 7, 14 and <br />17. <br />Attachments: Staff Report <br />County Attorney Dylan Reingold provided an update to the Board on various docks <br />that have been identified as being in some form of disrepair. Attorney Reingold <br />identified three (3) docks he was supportive of not terminating agreements on and <br />allowing the property owners to move forward with obtaining permits to address the <br />repair of those docks. <br />Jeff Cusson, owner of dock 14 shared with the Board the challenge it has been to <br />complete the repairs and stated he was working hard to bring the dock into <br />compliance. He confirmed he was aware of the change in the license fee schedule. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Flescher, seconded by Vice Chairman <br />Earman, to rescind the vote to terminate the agreement on dock 14 and direct the <br />County Attorney to continue the process with the remaining three docks in <br />process of coming into compliance. The motion carried by the following vote: <br />Aye: 3 - Chairman O'Bryan, Vice Chairman Earman, and Commissioner Flescher <br />Absent: 2- Commissioner Adams, and Commissioner Moss <br />14. COMMISSIONERS MATTERS <br />A. Commissioner Peter D. O'Bryan, Chairman <br />Indian River County Florida Paye 27 <br />