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Board of County Commissioners Meeting Minutes - Final August 16, 2022 <br />14.A.1. 22-0662 Request from Jennifer and Mark Trodglen for a variance for their shed. <br />Recommended Action: Discussion <br />Attachments: Commissioner's Memorandum <br />[Clerks note: discussion continued from Item 10.B.21 <br />After considerable discussion among the Commissioners, legal counsel, and staff <br />regarding the current process to obtain a variance for a code violation. It was <br />determined to allow an extension for Mr. and Ms. Trodglen, and to direct staff to <br />come back to the Board with a revised variance appeal process. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Adams, seconded by Commissioner <br />Flescher, to support an extension on the Code Enforcement violation and to <br />direct staff to come back with a revision to the variance appeal process. The <br />motion carried by the following vote: <br />Aye: 4 - Chairman O'Bryan, Vice Chairman Earman, Commissioner Adams, and <br />Commissioner Flescher <br />Absent: 1 - Commissioner Moss <br />The Chairman called for a recess at 11:53 a.m., and reconvened the meeting at 12:03 <br />p.m. with all members present, except Commissioner Laura Moss who was absent. <br />B. Commissioner Joseph H. Earman, Vice Chairman <br />14.6.1. 22-0618 Update/Discussion on Sector 7 Beach Renourishment Project <br />Recommended Action: Discuss <br />Attachments: Commissioner's Memo <br />[Clerks note: This Item was heard after Item 9.A.] <br />Vice Chairman Joe Earman sought direction from the Board regarding the Sector <br />7 Beach Renourishment Project. A lengthy discussion ensued among the Board <br />members, legal counsel and staff on; 1) Potential costs for offshore sand dredging <br />and land-based truck haul; 2) Changing the perpetuity of the current Sector 7 <br />easement language to obtain more signed easements; and 3) A viable access point <br />for large dump trucks. In conclusion, Vice Chairman Earman stated he would <br />meet with the residents and relay this discussion, then bring the item back on his <br />agenda. He thanked everyone for their input. <br />No Action Taken or Required <br />Indian River County Florida Page 28 <br />