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EXHIBIT A <br />CHILDREN'S SERVICES ADVISORY COMMITTEE <br />2022-23 GRANT APPLICATION <br />Agency Name: Indian River County Healthy Start Coalition <br />Address: 1555 Indian River Blvd, #13241, Vero Beach, FL, 32960, US <br />Executive Director: Andrea Berry <br />Email: <br />Phone: (772) 563-9118 <br />Program Directors: Stacey Washburn, Bridgette Jerger, Genevieve Mallen, Jessica Staudt, <br />Dr. Sharon Packard <br />Email: <br />Phone: (772) 563-9118 <br />Program(s) Name: 1 — Babies and Beyond; 2 — Community Doula; 3 — Parents As Teachers; <br />4 — Coordinated Intake & Referral/PEPW; 5 — PEACE; 6 — Healthy Families <br />Focus Area(s): Early Childhood Development <br />Build Parent Capacity <br />Addressing Risky Youth Behavior <br />PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: <br />1 - The Babies and Beyond program focuses on providing services to every mother, baby, and family <br />in Indian River County. The Babies and Beyond program offers childbirth education, lactation support <br />within the hospital, a nurse home visit to postpartum mothers and babies, and community referrals when <br />appropriate. The program is designed to increase health literacy, strengthen parenting skills, and ensure <br />that each baby in Indian River County gets the healthy start they deserve. The projected number of <br />unduplicated children to be served is two thousand, two hundred eighty (2,280) and one thousand, one <br />hundred forty (1,140) adults. <br />2 - The Community Doula program supports, educates, and empowers pregnant women to take control <br />of their health. A Doula is a trained non-medical professional who provides continuous physical, <br />emotional, and informational support to a mother before, during, and shortly after childbirth, to help her <br />achieve the healthiest, most satisfying experience possible. More importantly, Doulas have been shown <br />to have a significant impact on birth outcomes and health literacy. The projected number of unduplicated <br />adults to be served is one hundred (100). <br />3 - The Parents As Teachers program (PAT) provides at -risk mothers and fathers with the knowledge <br />and skills to maximize their child's cognitive, social and emotional development during the most crucial <br />period of brain development: birth through age three or the first 1,000 days of life. Areas of focus include: <br />child development, parent-child interaction, play activities designated to target developmental domains, <br />and family well-being. The projected number of unduplicated children to be fifty-nine (59) and sixty-two <br />(62) adults. <br />4 - Indian River County's Healthy Start Coalition's (IRCHSC) Coordinated Intake and Referral (CI&R) <br />service, which is housed within Partners in Women's Health, informs all program participants about the <br />various services for which they are eligible and makes referrals as appropriate. The Connections <br />