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Mr. Himanshu Mehta, P. E. <br />15 November 2022 <br />Page 3 <br />Geosyntec will provide engineering services necessary to complete the site preparation to <br />facilitate construction of Segment 3, Cell 3. The scope of services, therefore, includes <br />construction -phase services, such as, providing SWDD with the relevant construction drawings <br />and technical specifications, bid quantities, CM, and CQA monitoring, testing, and <br />documentation services. The scope of services to be performed by Geosyntec would ensure that <br />the fill material is placed and compacted in accordance with the project specifications and <br />regulatory requirements. In addition, groundwater monitoring wells and perimeter drainage <br />ditch within the footprint of Cell 3 will have to be abandoned and new perimeter ditch <br />constructed around Cells 3 and 4 footprints. <br />For budgeting purposes, the scope of work will be performed in five phases, as follows: <br />• Phase 1 — General Consulting/Meeting Support/Project Management; <br />• Phase 2 — Preparation of Construction Documents; <br />• Phase 3 — Contractor Procurement Support Services; <br />• Phase 4 — Construction -Phase Support Services; and <br />• Phase 5 — Abandonment and Installation of Existing Monitoring Wells and LFG Probe. <br />Each of these phases is briefly described below. <br />Phase 1 - General Consulting/Meeting Support/Project Management <br />Phase 1 consists of three components: general consulting, meeting support, and project <br />management. Geosyntec will provide SWDD with consulting services necessary to initiate the <br />project. Geosyntec will prepare presentation graphics, engineering drawings, and other <br />documents required to support the Project's meetings and coordination activities. <br />A kickoff meeting with SWDD is proposed before the start of project activities so that the <br />specific project requirements can be discussed. In addition, review meetings will be held with <br />SWDD as necessary during the various phases of the project implementation schedule. <br />Following each meeting, Geosyntec will prepare meeting minutes that document decisions <br />reached in the meetings. <br />Project management activities will include: budget and schedule tracking, invoice review, and <br />project communications, including the preparation of a monthly progress report. The project <br />report will include a description of the activities completed during the month and planned <br />activities for the following month. In addition, the progress report will identify any technical or <br />administrative issues that require SWDD's attention and the current status of the budget and <br />schedule. <br />NCP2022/XL222460/JL22072 Segment 3 Cell 3 Site PreQaratiun.doc <br />engineers I scientists I innovators <br />