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ORDINANCE 2023-001 <br />AN ORDINANCE OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, CONCERNING AN <br />AMENDMENT TO ITS LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS (LDR); PROVIDING FOR AN <br />AMENDMENT TO CHAPTER 930, STORMWATER MANAGEMENT AND FLOOD <br />PROTECTION; BY AMENDING SECTION 930.07(2)(i), FLOOD PROTECTION <br />REQUIREMENTS, ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS; AND BY PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF <br />CONFLICTING PROVISIONS; CODIFICATION; SEVERABILITY; AND EFFECTIVE DATE. <br />BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF INDIAN RIVER <br />COUNTY, FLORIDA THAT THE INDIAN RIVER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT <br />REGULATIONS (LDR) CHAPTER 930, STORMWATER MANAGEMENT AND FLOOD <br />PROTECTION, BE AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: <br />SECTION #1: <br />Amend LDR Section 930.07(2)(i), Additional requirements; as follows: <br />(i) Additional requirements. <br />1. Cut and fill. An equal volume of storage capacity must be created for any volume of <br />the base flood that would be displaced by fill or structures except for the following <br />instances: <br />a. Those development projects within the special flood hazard area along the Indian <br />River Lagoon when granted a waiver from the cut and fill balance requirements by <br />the board of county commissioners. In the special flood hazard area of the Indian <br />River Lagoon, an equal volume of storage capacity must be created for any volume <br />of the base flood that would be displaced by fill or structures below elevation two <br />and one-half (2.5) feet NAVD88, or the ten-year flood elevation which has been <br />determined in the flood insurance study, whichever is greater. The board of county <br />commissioners may, in its discretion, grant a waiver from the provisions of this <br />subsection upon the affirmative showing of the applicant, by means of a competent <br />engineering study, that the development project is situated in an estuarine <br />environment and that the development project, as designed, will meet all other <br />requirements of the stormwater management and flood protection chapter and will <br />not create a material adverse impact on flood protection on other lands in the <br />estuarine environment. <br />b. Subdivided lots of less than one (1) acre in area that existed prior to July 1, 1990. <br />At such time as the county may create or cause to be brought into existence a <br />stormwater utility or other entity charged with managing drainage concerns, the <br />requirements of this section will apply for lots less than one (1) acre in area existing <br />prior to July 1, 1990, if the utility or entity has the authority to compensate for fill <br />added in special flood hazard areas by administering a program that causes <br />compensation for fill added on individual lots to be mitigated by contribution to <br />an off-site mitigation fund for a central facility or facilities, owned by the county, <br />the stormwater utility, or other entity. <br />