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Last modified
1/20/2023 3:06:21 PM
Creation date
1/20/2023 3:05:57 PM
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Dept of Transportation (DOT)
Agreement , County and FEC Railway for installation of flashing lights at "Old Buttermilk" Crossing,
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® FORPAGkM 4110 IF•7ltl <br />• <br />fifty per aunt (50%) of the cost enunuvrated 1), Ihc. Scbednle of Ammal Cost of <br />Anlomalic Ilighway Gr:ule Crossing Proleelivc Itcvices allacbed hcrrfo and by Ibis <br />reference made :t part hereof. At the concloAmi of said lime prriud, snrlt mainlenancc <br />of the prolective devices and expense Own of will be Irvtsfrn-red to and assnun•d by the <br />COL INTY and Ills COUNT')' joins herein for the purpose hereof. The. CMINTY agrrrs <br />lu notify the CONIPANY in wriling at Icast thirty (30) daps prior to expiralion of <br />maintenance by the. DETAR'I'Nll�INT. <br />11' BEING F,XPREISSLY UNDFUISTOOD AND AGREEM that the COMPANY may, at its option <br />and upon proper nolifivalion, perform such periodic nutintrnance work as myuired and hill cilhe.; till- <br />DLPARTNII;NT or lite COUNTY, whichever is applicable wider the. foregoing paragraph, for costs <br />thus incurred. <br />11. After Said awommic crossing signals and/or olher protective drvice•s have born iusfallyd <br />and/or adjusted and found to hr in satisfactory working order by Ute parties hrrelo, liv same shall be <br />immediately put into Service, operated :uul maintained by the COMPAN 1' so lung as said COMPANY <br />or their successors or assigns shall operate Ihr aulomatic pad1' crossing signals and/err other pruledicr <br />devices, or until it is agreed between Ilic parties hereto that the signals are no looser nrcessary at said <br />grade crossing, or until the said crossing is abandoned. or other h -al tequirenumis made which shill <br />cease operalion and maintenance of signals thereat_ The COMPANY agrees Ilial any frtlure relocation <br />oradjustment of said prolecli%e devices shall he perfortued by the COMPANY with the DEPARTNILM' <br />or the COU'NT'Y, whichever is. applicable al the lime at- governed in Paragraph 10 above, respnu-0111' <br />forsueh cost asspered al that future dale. The COMPANY further agree= to assunu- fol) rrspottsiIi lity <br />for the continued operation and maintenance of such devices once Ihey are placed in service. <br />12. The COMPANY expr(-ssl)' agrees to indcnntif} and hold harndcss the DEPARTMENT <br />against carp and every claim, demand or cause of action tial may 1l- made or runty against the <br />DEPARTMENT by reason of or any way arising out of any defect, imprrfeclion, failure to repair, or <br />failure to maintain, dune, suffered, or permilled in or ahout such protective d!'viecs, and also every <br />claim, demand or cause of action against said DEPARTMENT by reason of any liabilit} that is or may <br />lie imposed an the DEPARTMENT under the laws of this Stale because of its participation in Ihr cost <br />of such mainlenancc governed in Paragraph 10 (b) above, on account of any such defect, imperfection, <br />or failure to repair or maintain, done, suffered, or permitted in or aboot said cros.:ing or crossing <br />protective devices, or on account of any action or omission on the part of the COMPANY in or about <br />till- sante, <br />13. I'll(! COMPANY covenants to indemnify, defcud, save harmless and exonerate the <br />DI:1"Awr4mEM of and from all liability, claims and dvinan ds arising unl of wort: uuderlakt-n by flit - <br />COMPANY pursuant to this agreement, doe to the negligent actions, delay or omissions dune or <br />
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