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be irrevocably and unconditionally obligated to take such action as <br />may be required to entitle it to receive such Revenue Sharing Trust <br />Funds in the maximum amount provided by law. <br />SECTION 16. APPLICATION OF PROCEEDS OF OBLIGATIONS. All <br />moneys received from the sale of the Obligations shall be deposited <br />by the Issuer in a special account in a bank or trust company and <br />applied by the Issuer as follows: <br />A. All accrued interest and interest to accrue on the <br />Obligations for one year after the date of delivery of the Obliga- <br />tions shall be deposited into the Sinking Fund and applied ex- <br />clusively for the payment of interest becoming due on the Obliga- <br />tions. <br />B. The Issuer shall next deposit with the paying agent <br />of the outstanding Revenue and General obligation Notes a sum equal <br />to pay all the principal of and interest on said Notes to the first <br />date on which they may be called on or after the delivery of. the <br />Obligations. <br />C. The sum of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000) <br />shall be deposited into the Reserve Account in the Sinking Fund. <br />D. The sum of Two Hundred Sixty Thousand Dollars ($260,000) <br />shall be deposited into the Operating Reserve Fund in the Solid <br />Waste Disposal System Operating Account. <br />E. The Issuer shall next use the moneys in said special <br />account to pay all engineering fees, legal fees, fees of financial <br />advisors, cost of the issuance of the Obligations, and all other <br />similar costs incurred in connection with the acquisition and con- <br />struction of the project and the issuance of the Obligations to <br />finance the cost thereof. <br />F. A special fund is hereby created, established and des- <br />ignated as the "Facilities Construction Fund" (herein called the <br />"Construction Fund"). There shall be paid into the Construction <br />Fund the balance of the moneys remaining after making all the de- <br />posits and payments provided for in paragraphs A, B, C, D, and E <br />above. <br />Such fund shall be kept separate and apart from all other <br />