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accounts of the Issuer, and the moneys on deposit therein shall be <br />withdrawn, used and applied by the Issuer solely to the payment of <br />the cost of the project and purposes incidental thereto, as herein- <br />above described and set forth. If for any reason such proceeds or <br />any part thereof are not necessary for or are not applied to the <br />payment of such cost, then the unapplied proceeds shall be deposited <br />by the Issuer into the Sinking Fund and used only to pay principal <br />and interest on the Obligations. All such proceeds shall be and <br />constitute trust funds for such purposes, and there is hereby created <br />a lien upon such moneys until so applied in favor of the holders of <br />the Obligations. <br />Any funds on deposit in the Construction Fund which, in <br />the opinion of the Issuer, acting upon the recommendation of the <br />Consulting Engineers, are not immediately necessary for expenditure, <br />as hereinabove provided, may be invested .in Authorized Investments <br />maturing at such time or times recomm-.nded by the Consulting <br />Engineers. All such securities shall be held by the depository <br />bank, and all income derived therefrom shall be deposited in the <br />Construction Fund. <br />All expenditures or disbursements from the Construction <br />Fund shall be made only after such expenditures or disbursements <br />shall have been approved in writing by the Issuer and by the <br />Consulting Engineers. The date of completion of each phase of the <br />project shall be determined by the Consulting Engineers, who will <br />certify such facts in writing to the governing body of the Issuer. <br />SECTION 17. MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT. No material modi- <br />fication or amendment of this resolution or of any resolution or <br />ordinance amendatory hereof or supplemental hereto may be made without <br />the consent in writing of the holders of two-thirds or more in the <br />principal amount of the Obligations then outstanding; provided, <br />however, that no modification or amendment shall permit a change in <br />the maturity of such Obligations or a reduction in the rate of <br />interest thereon or in the amount of the principal obligation thereof <br />or affecting the promise of the Issuer to pay the principal of and <br />-32- <br />