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Mr. Himanshu H. Mehta, P.E. <br />5 January 2023 <br />Page 5 <br />Multi Sector General Permit <br />The SWDD authorization to discharge the overflow of stormwater from the sedimentation pond <br />into the C-6 canal is governed by a five-year Multi Sector General Permit (MSGP) issued by <br />FDEP. The permit requires that the outfall be sampled quarterly during the first and fourth year <br />of the permit for a list of parameters and the results reported to the FDEP by the first quarter of <br />the fifth year of the permit. <br />Storage Tank Groundwater Monitoring Wells Installation, Sampling and Reporting <br />Permit Modification No. 0128769 -033 -SO -MM and Approval of Request for Alternate <br />Procedure — SWAP 22-1 (i.e., Order), effective July 22, 2022, authorized SWDD to use an <br />existing 500,000 -gallon tank as a leachate storage tank for the proposed leachate evaporator <br />system for the Class I Landfill. Conditions of this approval require SWDD to install four new <br />groundwater monitoring wells (MW -49 to MW -52) around the periphery of the leachate storage <br />tank, conduct an initial and three additional sampling events (on a weekly basis), and conduct <br />two quarterly sampling events after the initial filling of the tank with leachate. SWDD is <br />required to provide FDEP with monitoring well installation report, background groundwater <br />quality report from the initial four sampling events, first semi-annual groundwater monitoring <br />report with results of the first two quarterly sampling events, and first annual summary report. <br />The installation report is due 90 days from the effective date of the Order with the background <br />quality report due 30 days from installation of the monitoring wells. The first semi-annual and <br />annual summary reports are due 240 days and 400 days, respectively, from initial filling of the <br />tank with leachate from the Class I Landfill for the leachate evaporator. It is understood that the <br />leachate storage tank is anticipated to go into operation the first quarter of 2023; however exact <br />dates are unknown. However, Geosyntec has included the scope of work and budget estimate to <br />complete the reporting requirements of the Order. <br />This proposal presents the scope of work and budget estimate for the: (i) semi-annual water - <br />quality compliance monitoring and reporting for the Class I landfill and C&D debris disposal <br />facility; (ii) quarterly assessment monitoring of the eight groundwater wells and three surface <br />water sample sites for the C&D debris disposal facility; (iii) compliance with Title V permit <br />requirements; (iv) compliance with MSGP permit requirements; (v) other technical and <br />miscellaneous permit compliance support services that may be required by SWDD in 2023; and <br />(vi) storage tank monitoring wells installation, sampling and reporting as required by the Order. <br />NCP2022_222465/JL22076_2023 Compliance Monitoring Proposal <br />