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2/13/2023 11:18:19 AM
Official Documents
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Work Order
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Aptim Environmental & Infrastructure, LLC
Work Order No. 52018029-11 Sector 5 Beach & Dune Restoration Project
Year 3 Post-Construction Environmental Monitoring
Project Number
IRC 1923
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APTIM <br />January 19, 2023 <br />Page 2 of 4 <br />1000 feet north (updrift) and 2000 feet south (downdrift) of the project area (R-69.5 to R-87) for a length of <br />approximately 3.6 miles. A buoy with a Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) antenna linked to a <br />topside laptop computer running HYPACK navigational software will be towed by divers to record the position <br />of the nearshore hardbottom edge. The divers will follow the inshore contour of the most prominent <br />hardbottom-sand border. The purpose of the survey is to provide a comparison for pre- and all subsequent <br />post -construction edge delineations. <br />2) Monitoring Permanent Transects: <br />Twenty (20) transects were established along the length of project influence, which includes 1000 feet north <br />(updrift) and 2000 feet south (downdrift). This includes nine (9) biological monitoring transects and eleven <br />(11) sediment only transects. All transects were established perpendicular to the shoreline and extend from <br />the nearshore hardbottom edge to a maximum distance of 50 meters seaward. APTIM will conduct the Year <br />3 Post -Construction biological survey of the hardbottom using quadrat assessments, sediment measurements <br />and video/photo documentation as detailed in the Biological Monitoring Plan. <br />Up to nine (9) 0.5-mz quadrats will be sampled along each transect to quantify the benthic community. <br />Sediment data will be collected using line -intercept and 1-m interval sediment depth measurements, and <br />video documentation will also be collected for the length of each transect. It is anticipated that the effort to <br />delineate the hardbottom edge and monitor the transects will take up to nine (9) field days based on previous <br />monitoring events. <br />The data will be compiled and incorporated into a GIS database and in situ data will be entered into an Access <br />database. Time to complete data entry, reduction, analyses, and report production is included in the cost <br />estimate to address the data management and reporting requirements for those 9 days of field operations. <br />Task 1: Deliverable <br />Raw data will be provided to FDEP and the County within 45 days of completion of the survey. This includes a PDF <br />of the scanned datasheets, excel spreadsheets with quadrat data, interval sediment depth measurements and <br />line -intercept data, shapefiles of the hardbottom edge survey, video and photo documentation. Additionally, <br />APTIM will provide a map of the project area and adjacent hardbottom resources with the hardbottom edge <br />delineation and monitoring transects overlaid onto recent, clear aerial photographs (in digital format). <br />A Year 3 Post -Construction biological monitoring report will be generated for submittal to the County and <br />regulatory agencies. <br />Task 1: Schedule <br />The Year 3 Post -Construction monitoring event will take place during summer 2023. Raw data from field <br />operations will be submitted to the County and FDEP within 45 days and the monitoring report will be submitted <br />within 90 days of completion of the survey. <br />Task 1: Cost <br />The lump sum cost for this task is $93,129.12. <br />
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