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NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF <br />SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: <br />SECTION 1. RECITALS INCORPORATED. Each and all of the aforementioned recitals <br />("WHEREAS" clauses) are hereby incorporated in this Ordinance. Exhibits la, lb, and 2, referenced <br />below are hereby incorporated into this Ordinance by reference. <br />SECTION 2. AFFECTED PROPERTY. The amendment to the Comprehensive Plan Future <br />Land Use Map (FLUM) and site specific policy conditions adopted by this Ordinance shall affect the <br />following described real property, now lying and being within the incorporated area of the City of <br />Sebastian, Indian River County, Florida: <br />See attached Exhibit la and lb Property Survey (herein: the "Real Property"). <br />SECTION 3. DESIGNATION. The Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map shall be <br />amended to include the affected Real Property, and the Real Property shall be designated as Mixed Use <br />(MU) in accordance with the requirements of Florida law. <br />See attached Exhibit 2 Future Land Use Map <br />The City recognizes specific large scale annexation parcels with Mixed Use land use such as the specified <br />property identified in Exhibit la and lb require site specific conditions that will apply at the time of site <br />planning and development. As part of the land use map amendment, site specific policy conditions <br />pertaining to the mixed use development have been incorporated into Ordinance 0-22-13 as follows: <br />Objective 1-1.7: Site Specific Policies. The following policies are adopted specific to individual areas <br />within the City of Sebastian. <br />Policy 1-1.7.1: 1913.6 +/- Property located South of County Road 510, West of Land Adjacent <br />to 74th Avenue, North of 69h Street, and East of 90th Avenue, more specifically described in City <br />Ordinance No. 0-22-13 shall be developed subject to the following policies. <br />a. Rezoning of the property shall be done through a Planned Unit Development process as described in <br />Article XX of the City's Land Development Code, as amended, or superseded, from time to time. <br />b. Housing types shall be mixed to meet various income levels and lifestyle choices; a mix of Single <br />Family Dwelling Units and Multi -Family Dwelling Units (the "Dwelling Units") consisting of a <br />variety of housing choices in order to achieve the mix of housing required for affordability and <br />accessibility within a mixed use development. The housing mix targets 40% Medium Density up to <br />10 units/acre; 40% Low Density up to 5 units/acre; and 20% Very Low Density up to 3 units/acre, <br />including at least 5 percent (5%) and up to 10 percent (10%) of the Dwelling Units on the Real <br />Property as being Affordable Housing. <br />c. Provision for future dedication of Right of Way, at the time of Development, to the extent required <br />for the Development and upon mutual consent of the Owner, shall be transferred to the appropriate <br />entity to promote an interconnected, extended and improved grid road system, along with a well- <br />planned transportation system of roads and streets throughout the Real Property, in coordination with <br />