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CERTIFIED <br />RESOLUTION No. 79-27 <br />I HEREBY CERTIFY that the Board of County Commissioners <br />of Indian River County, Florida, at a meeting held <br />March 7th , 1979, adopted the following resolution: <br />WHEREAS various electric power generating utilities <br />including Florida Power & Light Company have brought to the <br />attention of the Indian River County Commission the existence <br />of a severe shortage of low sulfur content oil in Florida due <br />to worldwide conditions beyond the control of such utilities; <br />and <br />WHEREAS existing national, state and local environmental <br />regulations require the burning of such low sulfur oil at <br />various electrical power plants; and <br />WHEREAS higher sulfur content fuel oil supplies now <br />available to the various electric utilities in Florida must <br />be burned as an alternative fuel during the shortage of low <br />sulfur content oil in order to assure an adequate supply of <br />electric energy to Indian River County, but such alternative <br />supplies cannot be burned to full compliance with all applicable <br />environmental regulations; and <br />WHEREAS the various electric power generating utilities <br />have petitioned the Governor of the State of Florida to declare <br />the existence of an energy emergency, to further petition the <br />President of the United States to declare a regional or national <br />