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p... <br />USDA-Ftn11A <br />Form 1nil1A 41147 <br />(Rev. 7.3041) <br />Posirioll 5 <br />LOAN IM,IN01_(11.10N 80-10 <br />(1'nhhc Bodiesl <br />BOARD <br />A twsi�l.r_Ir1oN ur• 1III ............. ...._........... s ass. ............... ... _......... <br />TDTAN RIVER COUNTY COMM1 ;S -10N <br />01'1'111: ..........N'....................................... _ ............ ....... .... ..... _....... ...... . _................................. <br />A1;f1IMIZiNC ATN" PROVIDING (tilt '1'Ia. 1N:IfRilVINCE OF INItl.I'T; i%`:r`,S F(ut '1111: <br />PRuv111in(> A P(►R1'ION UF'f111i(,US'I'U1'Ai.'I)UIRINti,l'ttNlfRUI'l'IKi., I \I AI:GI\t.,l\li'Itt.tbl'�C. 1`�It .!;: <br />EXTENDING ITS ••South Counpytrx Water_ _... <br />1 A('II ffYTOSEtcVI; AN At AOc rd OLI oun yt�Cununits ±ionort; lith Tlndian Rlvcr <br />WNF.RGAS, it is necessary for the County, Florida <br />............................................................................................... <br />(11u61ic nudy) <br />(herein alter called association) to raise a portion of the cost of such undertaking, by issuance of its hoods in the principal <br />$6,325.840 <br />amount of ._..._ ...'._..............._....... _............. _............. ............ _.._..... ... .................... _......................... I.._ ......... <br />.._....... <br />pursuant to the provisions of •••fitdt utBa ... 119.25.) .................. <br />WHEREAS, the association intends to obtain assistance from the Farmers Ilome Administration, United SldtCA 11r, artna•nt <br />of Agriculture, (herein called the Government) acting under lite provisions of the Consolidated Farm and Rural D:selopm.: nt <br />Act (7 U.S.C. 1921 et seq.) in the planning, financing, and supervision of such undertaking and to p irchasiug of hnn,:s <br />lawfully issued, In the went that no other leceptable purchaser for such bonds is found by the association: <br />NOW THE.Mil"ORE, in consideration of the premises the association hereby resolves: <br />I. To have prepared on Its behalf and to adopt an ordinance or resolution for she issuance of its bonds wild voehiinic�- <br />such items and in such forms as etre ,equir,rd by STATE statutes and as are agreeable and acceptahie ill tin. <br />Government. <br />2. 'I'll refinance the unpaid balance, in Whole of in pall, of is bonds upon the request of till- Covcrnnt:nt II : l <br />any little it dull apI*:al III lite, Givemutnutt that the asociAltin i, a!rle to whilince its b;vuls b) .-bt.tinia: .t 1-1.1 <br />for such purpose, Plato responsible a•( i+r:-ttve at pri`.at: >nUtce; at teas nubl,::ata and kraus io: bans In: .cods, - <br />purposes and I.:rinds of Inure .1% tequind ii) s clirnt ?31(C) mf said Consolidat;:d 1 rim alid Rut.d DeveloPm:nt Act <br />(7 ILS.f • 1')`.4',(x))• <br />3. To ptrivide for, execule, and ccnmiily with Font; I:r;:IA 100.1, " Nondiw6mirali, n Agreement"; and Frrni <br />ioIIA 400.1 ••foual Appoitunity ,1;; :nr nt", in,h,dn!: re, •'f:i:re: tttiprntu-tit) Cl:ut.c" sshii i • 1.111,I- h to b.• tri• <br />corporated in, of attached as 9 rid•:r to, c;,ch umstn,rh•rti cowtael :aid sobc,.,attart invobro;; int r%.,eis .,f <br />4. 'ho indenutif; the Ctivenancnl fut anyp:rynients I1a+4. or los. •. •,uffrre; by Il.e G.%euuticul ;,•t 1n h.,U ill It': <br />associalion. <br />.. Th:,t upon d,-f:r-;t is the payu`ents of any prinrip:0 n•I ;;ecru, d intr,rst out the hor'nts,n :r. lit- <br />covenant or agreeuuent cont3incd herein or in Ill• imtnnnents incident to nuking or imurrtn-, the loan. Ilia: (;www <br />ment, at its option nay (a) declare the catur prntcy,il amount then,!ing and a xiutJ imteics' iaimed .,i;! <br />due 2114 payahb:, (b) for the 8CCO11111 of the aSWciation incur and p y rea}onable rxpN ll`•e5 fon :epnir, m rano n: n <br />and operation of the facility and such other reasunalile expenses as may be necessary to :tire the cause ,•f den., cit, <br />and/or (c) take possession of the facility, repair, mrntain, and operate or tent it Default under lite pittvist„ns w <br />this Resolution of illy it:sittrnienl illcm:cnt to tier n,akirn; or msunng of tine loan may he construed b,- tit,• Gn.;vn. <br />utent to constitute default under any other imuunivrit held by the Gnvernincni and exctuted of assumed by 111< <br />a>saciation, and default under any such initnument ;may he cvnsiturd by the C -content to coililitul,• def:nit <br />hereunder. <br />G. Not to sell, transfer, lease, or otherwise eocuntbar the facilit": or any portion theteJ, or interest therein, not prmrii <br />Miters to do so, without the prior written consent of the Government. <br />7. Not to borrow :illy money from any source, enter into any contract or Z rcemrnt, or incur .illy other h.Citlni •: m <br />connection with nuking enlagiements, imprui•em,•nts or extemutns to, or for any other pmprv: in c.,firvilwn <br />with, the facility (exclusive of normal maintenance) without die prior smitten consent of tlr: Coiernnunt. <br />R. To place the proceeds of the binds on dcpnsil in an account, !it a batik, and in a manner appt,r:•ed by the G;,vero r•or <br />FoillA d1'471 Rt v. 7-10 "iii <br />