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2/27/2023 10:13:32 AM
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2/27/2023 10:13:19 AM
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Authorizing Issuance of Bond
Authorizing Issuance of Bond for South County Water System Facilities
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9. To comply with all applies: le State and Federal laws and regulations and to continually operate and maintain the <br />facility hr good condition. <br />10. To provide for Uie lacaipt of adequate leventi" it) meet the lc, l Ilitenicnts of deft selvi cc, oIVl anion and Irn+i i l le trance, <br />• and the establishment of aJegtale teserves. No free service or use of ilia facility will he pr.rmitied. <br />11. To acquire and nninlain such Insurance coverage including fidelity honds as may he required by the Gowinni:nt. <br />12. 7b est.•Iblisli and utaintj:n such hooks and records reladne. ht the llll;retion of the lacility and its l ntneial atrairs <br />and to provide for required audit thereuf 111 such a Inallner as play hd leguiled by :h: (;"%e 11111cnt, In p:os'ide Nile <br />® I Government without its request, a copy of cath Such alldit, and to Inake and fuiwaid to 11w Government %rich <br />additional information and relwrts as it may from time to lmlr iequiie. <br />13. To provide the Government at all reasonable lines access to all books and ircords relmin? hl 11w f. ohiy and <br />i acct's1 to Uia property of Ula system so that tile, Guverunent nl:,y :rcerialn that the 3ss+Iciati0n is conlllying willt <br />• j the provisions hereof and of IIIc Instruments incident to the making or insnriug of the loan. <br />J 14. To serve any applicant within the service area who de,iics service and can 1w feasibly and legally surd, , nd to <br />obtain the concurrence of the Farmers Hoole Administration privi to Icmn ini; selvicc to such applicant ill on tl,o <br />failure to provide su.11 servicewhichis feasible ;Ir.d legal such applicr-t shad h.l:c it direct right of action age!inst <br />A tine a%nictation under this agreeneal. <br />TIIC pinll}I411Y hl'I alf and tele vrovisiuns of all instruments incident til :he nmkinv,, or ilia insuring of the roan, unirs; oth;nvee <br />:I -critically ptovided by the tun is of SlIJI inrtrrlucuts• shall he binding upon the associr,lion as long ac dw honk me held <br />Of insured by the Government. She provisions of sections G throtyli 13 hereof may lie provided for in more giLJl°•; detail <br />in the bond lesolation or ordinance; to the extent tial the provisions contained in such h�md resolution or oldinancz should <br />be found to he incons:steltt with Tile ploAsi.rns hence(, these pu+vimons shall be con%trw:d at conbolling as betv,eru Ill..- <br />association <br />ll.:association and the Government. <br />The vote was: Yeas ._.J.......; Nays -•-•••••-•---- ; Absent ................ . <br />INWITNIiSS WWI;RWI:, the...-.ChBirmata.................... ...................._...................._......_................................ of fill. <br />Hoard of Count Commissionera <br />......._................................_......__........._.._...»._...._._..._......_._.._......__... has duly adopted this Resolution and aa�rd <br />it to be executed by the offcel, below in duplicate ou this --.9th (lay of ------•--• Ja nary.............. _ .. , 1:) $�-• . <br />BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA <br />_............................ ...... ................-.. . <br />(9:AL) BY ....fes/�.i �� � bbl ��i <br />Chairman <br />Altssst: ^� 1'itic ........ _..------------------ --- ---- _--- ------------ ---- -- . ........ <br />Freda Wright <br />T'ille •-- G1Sr1S...__.........__.._....... .._............ ................ <br />CERTIFICATION <br />1, the .- ............. c,irtrr.. 13Li1i�..!1f... <br />hereby certify that ih.o •---.._tiQax.Gl._..._.._..._...._..._.._...... ._..._.._................... of such Associativn is omvp„ied +11 <br />.......nlenlbcls, of whorl --••••••—.......... , cut.vitutme it quota nl, sten, present at a meeting the enf duly c:i,lcd and <br />heli or. tile — ....... day 11 --.._.. J417.S�d[Y..............._.. t t $.�.-- : that Ula fo'c, nine• le>ol:tion was 0(li'led : t <br />such onetime h;lila vo:c ihuwn above;aml that said lesolutino lr„s i.ot Peen tesciude.l or amended tit any %,ay <br />Dated, this • day of__....r18]ltldzy....._.._.......... ..... <br />............._.._. <br />*U.S. G.P.O. 1975•br-4-Gn4y1772 MG.tG L'hrllr <br />a n l�i <br />�t <br />
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