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� � s <br />care and support several preventative and primary health care <br />programs such as the VNA mobile clinic and the Fellsmere Clinic. - <br />The Board of Directors of Indian River Memorial Hospital, Inc. <br />who manage the hospital and set up the operating policies consists <br />of 13 members: <br />3 are appointed by the Hospital District Board of Trustees <br />3 are appointed by the IRMH, Inc. Board of Directors <br />3 are elected by the members of the Hospital Foundation <br />(members who have contributed over $5 a year) <br />4 ex -officio members: <br />Chief of Staff <br />Vice Chief of Staff <br />1 member of the medical staff who is elected by the members <br />of the medical staff <br />President of IRMH, Inc., (Michael O'Grady) <br />In response to a question by Commissioner Macht, Attorney <br />Polackwich noted that the contract between the Hospital District <br />and IRMH, Inc. requires that the Hospital District comply with the <br />Sunshine Law and Public Records Act separate and apart from the <br />contractual agreement. There is the question of whether they are <br />required anyway, as a matter of law, to meet the Sunshine Law and <br />the Public Records Act. There is an Attorney General's opinion on <br />that says that depends on how much public function the Inc. Board <br />does. Attorney Polackwich explained -that over the years, he and <br />Bill Stewart, attorney for the IRMH, Inc. Board of Directors, have <br />disagreed on this issue. He believed they are subject to the <br />Sunshine Law and Public Records Act separate and apart from the <br />contract. However, he did not believe they are required to comply <br />with the financial disclosure laws. <br />Commissioner Macht wondered if that should be part of the <br />contract since so many of the physicians hold stock in competing <br />companies such as the Surgery Center. There is a question of <br />ethics if they are voting on behalf of the hospital at the same <br />time they have common stock in competing companies like <br />laboratories to which they refer patients. Commissioner Macht <br />believed financial disclosure should be required and that the <br />matter should be part of the renegotiation of the contract. <br />Mrs. Ingram expressed the Trustees' appreciation of the <br />support from the public. She has been on the Board of Trustees for <br />12 years, and there are so many good programs, preventive programs, <br />that keep people out of the hospital and save the taxpayers' money. <br />She urged people to attend the Hospital District Board of Trustees <br />regular meetings because she felt it is very important that they <br />understand and hear what is being done and not get caught up in one <br />5 <br />MARCH 21, 1996 <br />BOOK 97 PAGE 66 7 <br />A <br />