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Board of County Commissioners Meeting Minutes - Final December 13, 2022 <br />exploring more expansive options, he would be happy to research the issue. <br />Vice Chairman Adams recalled when the statute was passed, the County already <br />had a moratorium in place and hence the reason the Board continued to extend <br />the moratorium versus putting an ordinance into place. She explained going <br />from a moratorium to an ordinance that was not in place when the statute was <br />created would be counter to the statute. <br />Chairman Earman opened the Public Hearing. <br />David Cox, representing the Indian River Soil and Water Conservation District <br />(IRSWCD), stated the IRSWCD was in support of extending the moratorium <br />for another year. He felt sooner or later the Board would need to codify the <br />ordinance to allow the County to regulate the land application of Class B <br />Biosolids. <br />County Attorney Reingold, in response to Mr. Cox, clarified that there were two <br />aspects of the moratorium, the land application of biosolids and the <br />transportation of materials to County facilities consistent with the regulations in <br />place. He went on to say that the State had given the local governments who <br />had previously adopted a moratorium the ability to continue moratoriums in the <br />future. <br />Mr. Joseph Paladin, representing the Indian River Neighborhood Association <br />(IRNA), stated their support for extending the moratorium. <br />There being no further speakers, the Chairman closed the hearing. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Flescher, seconded by Vice Chairman <br />Adams, to approve staffs recommendation and adopt Ordinance 2022-016, <br />authorizing an extension of the temporary moratorium for an additional 1 year, or <br />until a comprehensive review of the impact on the County's ecosystem is <br />completed, within the unincorporated areas of Indian River County prohibiting <br />land application activities of Class B Biosolids; providing for additional study <br />and possible regulation of Class B Biosolids application activities; providing for <br />exhaustion of administrative remedies; and providing for severability, repeal of <br />conflicting provisions, and an effective date. The motion carried by the following <br />vote: <br />Aye: 5 - Chairman Earman, Vice Chairman Adams, Commissioner Flescher, <br />Commissioner Loar, and Commissioner Moss <br />10.A.4 22-1058 Public Hearing to Consider a Resolution Electing to Use the Uniform Method <br />for the Levy, Collection and Enforcement of Non -Ad Valorem Assessments for <br />Street Paving in the Oslo Park Area - LEGISLATIVE <br />Recommended action: The County Attorney's Office recommends that after the public hearing the <br />Indian River County Florida Page 11 <br />