<br />PARCEL #I - The East 296.5 feet of the South 662.05 feet of the Northwest quarter
<br />of the Northeast quarter of Section 5, Township 33 South, Range 39 East; being
<br />further described as the East 296.5'feet of Tract 20 Section 5, Township 33 South,
<br />Range 39 East, according to said last general plat of Indian River Farms Company
<br />Subdivision.
<br />AND
<br />PARCEU V2 - The East 185 feet of the Southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter
<br />of Section 5, Township 33 South, Range 39 East, all lying and being in Indian:-
<br />River County,, Florida; being further described as the East 185 feet of Tract 7,.
<br />Section 5, Township 33 South, Range 39 East, according to said last general plat
<br />of Indian River Farms Company Subdivision.
<br />Subject to the easements, restrictions, reservations and rights of way of record,.
<br />H, 1 Tap:
<br />* The West 237.5 feet of the East 277.5 feet of the North 142.88 feet
<br />of Tract 9, Section 16, Township 33 South, Range 39 Ea'st-, according
<br />to the last General Plat of Lands of the Indian River Farms Company
<br />filed in Plat Book 2. nage 25, St. Lucie County Public Records, said
<br />land now lying and being in Indian River County, Florida.
<br />Less and except rights-of-way of record.
<br />* The West 237.5 feet of the East 515.0 feet of the North one-half of
<br />Tract 9, less the South 409.25 feet thereof, Section 16, Township 33
<br />South, Range 39 East, according to the last General Plat of Lands of
<br />the Indian River Farms Company filed in Plat Book 2, Page 25, St.
<br />Lucie County Public.Records,.said land now lying and being in Indian
<br />River County, Florida.
<br />Less and except rights-of-way of record.
<br />* The West 237.5 feet of the East 277.5 feet of the North one --half of
<br />Tract 9, less the South 409.25 feet and less the North 142.88 feet
<br />thereof, in Section 16, Township 33 South, Range 39 East, according
<br />to the last General 'Plat of Lands of the Indian River Farms Company
<br />filed in Plat Book 2, Page 25, St. Lucie County Public Record said
<br />land now lying and being in Indian River County, Florida. ��
<br />Less Ind except rights-of-way of record.
<br />I, 40 Taps:
<br />The East 10 acres of Tract 12, Section 1 Township
<br />33 South, Range 38 East according to the last
<br />general plat of lands of the Indian River Farms
<br />Company, filed in the office of the Clerk of the Cir-
<br />cuit,Court of St. Lucie County Florida, in Plat Book
<br />2, page 25, Said land now lying and being in Indian
<br />River County.
<br />J, 52 Tam:
<br />Ea:,t 10 acres of the West 20.68 acres Tract 10 -
<br />Section 1, Township 33 South, Range 38 East,
<br />Indian River Company
<br />K, 28 Taps:
<br />Tract 8, Section 5, Township 33 South, Range 39 East
<br />of the Indian River Farms Company as recorded in the Office
<br />of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in Plat Book 2, page 25,
<br />St. Lucie County Public Records less the North 509.41 feet
<br />thereof, said land lying and being in Indian River County
<br />Florida. Subject to the rights-of-way and easements of
<br />record.
<br />Said parcel containing 20.0 acres, more or less.
<br />*Temple Beth Shalom of Vero Beach, Inc.
<br />-10-
<br />