<br />L, I Tap:
<br />®
<br />The West 245 feet of the East 270 feet of Tract 8, in Secti.c.n 5,
<br />Township 33 South, Range 31r Fast, as on Plat of Indian River Fa, -ms
<br />Company and recorded 9n Nlat. nook 2, page 25, Public Records of
<br />St. Lucie County, )~l(.). ida; YPSS the North 899.71 feet thereof;
<br />®
<br />said land situatod, rr Indian River County, Florida; Less and
<br />Except right of vay for State Highway 60 and Kings Highway.
<br />Q
<br />M-1, 20 Taps:
<br />PARCEL. _I ITEM 'In -1"
<br />Beginning from the Southwest corner of Tract 8, Section 3, Te,,rnship 33 South,
<br />Range 38 East, according to the last general plat of Indian River Far;ns Cc;�pany
<br />Subdivision, as recorded in Plat Book 2, page 25, St. Lucie County (now Indian
<br />River County) run S 89° 16' 32" E, 162.26 feet on the South boundary of said
<br />Tract 8;
<br />thence, N 0° 30' 30" E, parallel to the East Boundary of Tract 8, run 2.23.00
<br />feet to the True Point of Beginning;
<br />thence, continue N 0' 30' 30" E, 1119.83 feet to an'intersection with the North
<br />line of Tract 8;
<br />thence, S 89° 22' 30" E on the North boundary of Tract 8, run 842.79 feet;
<br />thence run S 00 30' 30" W, 1196.47 feet to the right-of-way of State Road 60;
<br />thence, N 890 17' 35" W, 135.2.6 feet on said right-of-way of State Road 60;
<br />thence, N 00 30' 28" E, 22.5.22 feet;
<br />thence, N 890 16' 32" W, 200.10 feet;
<br />thence, S 00 30' 28" W, 150.00 feet to the right-of-way of State Road 60;
<br />thence, N 890 lh' 32" W, 25.00 feet on said right-of-way of State Road 60;
<br />thence, N 00 30' 28" E, 660.00 feet;
<br />thence, N 890 16' 32" W, 357.00 feet;
<br />thence, S 0* 30' 28" W, 660.00 feet to the right-of-way of State Road 60;
<br />t.henc.e, N 89° 16' 32" W, 125..43 feet on said right-of-way of State Road 60 to
<br />the True Point of Beginning.
<br />A portion of Tract 8, according to the last general plat of lands of the
<br />Indian River Farms Company, filed in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit
<br />Court of St. Lucie County, Florida, in Plat Book 2, page 25, in Section 3,
<br />Township 33, South, Range 38 East, said land now lying and being in Indian
<br />River County, Florida, described as follows:
<br />Parcel 1•. Commence at a point of intersection of the center line of State
<br />Road No. 60 and the East line of said Section 3, Tc;-;n;hip 33 South, Range
<br />38 East;
<br />thence run N 89° 16' 32" W along the center line of State Road No. 60 for a
<br />distance of 599.24 feet to a point that is 1200.00 feet East of the.center li
<br />of interstate Highway No. 95, as measured along the center line of State Road
<br />No. 60;
<br />thyce run N 0° 43' 28" E. at right angles to the center line of State Road 6
<br />for 141.54 feet to the point of beginning of the tract of land hereinafter
<br />described;
<br />