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RESOLUTION NO. 96-63 <br />PARCEL # 15 33 39 00014 0000 00029.0 - SO FT. 50,482 ASSESSMENT $3,126.67 <br />OWNER EVANS , DON H & SHIRLEY <br />715 34TH TERRACE <br />VERO BEACH, FL 32968 <br />LEGAL SUBURBAN ACRES SUB PBI 9-32 LOT 29 <br />PARCEL # 15 33 39 00014 0000 00030.0 SO FT. 50,482 ASSESSMENT $3,126.67 <br />OWNER ROSA , PHILIP & FLORENCE <br />725 34TH TERRACE <br />VERO BEACH, FL 32968 <br />LEGAL SUBURBAN ACRES SUB PBI 9-32 LOT 30 <br />PARCEL # 15 33 39 00014 0000 00031 SO FT. 50,482 ASSESSMENT $3,126.67 <br />OWNER WOODWARD, THOMAS M & MARY S. <br />28 KESSLER FARM DR # 614 <br />NASSHUA, N H 03063 <br />LEGAL SUBURBAN ACRES SUB PBI 9-32 LOT 31 <br />704.547 $43,637.03 <br />CITIZEN REVIEW COADRITEE <br />Chairman Adams introduced Adam Kubik, a retired utilities <br />consultant, who had worked in sanitation and water supply areas. <br />She felt he would be the perfect Chair for a citizens review <br />committee of the Utilities Department and he had volunteered to set <br />up the committee. She felt that, after listening to Mr. Kubik, the <br />Board would realize this is not any type of "witch-hunt", but just <br />a way to have an objective look at the Utilities Department and <br />provide some better public relations. <br />Adam Kubik advised the Board of his extensive background as a <br />consulting engineer in northern governmental entities. <br />Mr. Kubik perceived an image problem concerning the Indian <br />River County Utilities Department. He believed that an independent <br />evaluation was needed to see if there is a problem with the <br />department and whether it is a perception problem. Remedies would <br />be suggested for any problems found in the review of rate <br />structures and/or administration procedures of the department. <br />Mr. Kubik explained that governmental utility departments are <br />regulated, not by the Public Service Commission, but by the elected <br />officials of the local government. The public perception, however, <br />is that they are not regulated; therefore, if things go wrong, <br />sooner or later the public's displeasure will be directed toward <br />the utility and also the regulator. <br />Mr. Kubik then reviewed his two letters of May 14, 1996, as <br />follows: <br />99 <br />May 14, 1996 nor 98 %F-104 <br />