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it that concerns of all consumer sectors are reviewed without bias, <br />and that the interests of all parties connected with the Department. <br />receive fair play. Fair and non-discriminatory service rates to <br />consumers, along with safeguarding sound financial position of the <br />Department, will be among the highest priorities of the Advisory <br />Committee. <br />As to membership of the Committee, I will coordinate this <br />crucial initial stage with the Chair of the Commission, Mrs. Adams. <br />I propose that -members of the Committee resemble the cross-section <br />of the Community as far as possible. I suggest that the Committee <br />consist of seven members including the Chairman, who are drawn from <br />the consumer sector, business community and local governments as <br />far as is practicable. In my view it is essential that the Committee <br />include the eighth non-voting member from the senior staff of the <br />Department who will coordinate with the Department regarding data <br />acquisition and the processing of data, staff interviews and similar <br />matters. <br />I expect that about one month would be consumed in assem- <br />bling and organizing the Committee as a working group. If a volunteer <br />Committee member who is a qualified auditor cannot be located it will <br />be necessary to hire a qualified individual, preferably a Certified <br />Public Accountant. In that event this individual would also be a <br />non-voting member. I assume that voting Committee members would all <br />be pro-bono volunteers. I also assume that office space for meetings, <br />secret $tial and clerical assistance would be provided by the County. <br />Some 6 to 8 months' -should be sufficient to complete the assignment, <br />including the preparing and presentation of the Committee's final. .- <br />Report. including its recommendations for follow-up action by the <br />Commission, if such action is found necessary. <br />I thank the Chairperson Mrs. Adams and all other Commission <br />Members for the opportunity to present the Proposal for this most <br />challenging assignment. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />oda., 0,el <br />ADAM W. MIK <br />101 <br />May 14, 1996 <br />nc�K 9$ FrcE 10� <br />