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BOOK, 98 NAS€ 6 <br />It is requested that the information herein presented be given <br />formal consideration by the Board of County Commissioners at its <br />regular meeting of May 14, 1996. <br />DESCRIPTION AND CONDITIONS <br />At its meeting on August 8, 1995, the Board of County Commissioners <br />authorized staff to contact the State regarding a proposal that a <br />portion of the Sebastian Creek Conservation and Recreational Lands <br />(CARL) project be surplussed for expansion of an industrial park at <br />I-95 and CR 512. Subsequently, when the Governor and Cabinet <br />approved the State purchase on November 29, 1995, the Governor and <br />Cabinet acknowledged the surplus proposal and directed State staff <br />to coordinate with the County to facilitate the surplus. <br />Since that time, county staff has coordinated closely with state <br />staff, including a number of field meetings to evaluate site <br />environmental constraints. As a part of the coordination process, <br />the scope of the proposal has expanded to potentially include <br />County leasing of +100 acres of the now state-owned property west <br />of the Sebastian Rlver Middle School, for a north county regional <br />active recreational park. Attached is a draft conceptual use plan <br />of the proposed industrial park (+130 acres) and recreational park <br />(±100 acres). <br />As part of the County's application for the land surplus, the <br />County is required to adopt a formal resolution requesting that the <br />State sell the specified surplus property to the County. For this <br />reason, a draft resolution is attached for the Board's approval. <br />ANALYSIS <br />The configuration in the attached graphic was determined as part of <br />a concerted effort by state and county staff to accommodate the <br />surplus request while minimizing impacts to environmentally <br />sensitive wetlands and other natural areas. This "up -front" <br />coordination with state staff, prior to submittal of a formal <br />county surplus application, will help to facilitate the State's <br />approval. <br />Elimination of environmentally constrained areas from the proposed <br />surplus land benefits the County; it reduces the total number of <br />surplus acres without reducing "buildable" acreage, thereby <br />reducing the cost of the surplus acquisition. As discussed with <br />state staff, the County and the State would mutually benefit from <br />a lease arrangement regarding the recreational park area; it would <br />serve to fulfill public recreational access on the property <br />consistent with CARL objectives, and allows the County to establish <br />a north county regional park without the cost of buying the land. <br />The State purchased the overall Coraci property at a cost of $3,000 <br />per acre. If the County is able to purchase the proposed surplus at <br />that same cost,' the surplus project. is estimated to 'cost +$390,000 <br />(130 acres x $3,000). <br />RECOMMENDATION <br />Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners approve the <br />attached resolution, and authorize staff to submit a formal surplus <br />application to the State for the attached configuration. <br />56 <br />May 14, 1996 <br />