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SECTION XVII <br />COUNTY PURCHASE_ OPTION <br />The County shall have the right to purchase the Utility's <br />wastewater plant at Utility's original construction cost, original <br />land cost, plus costs associated with capital additions and <br />expansions to the plant, less three and one-half percent (3 1/2%) <br />depreciation per year, and less any contributions in aid of <br />construction. Depreciation on the system shall be calculated to start <br />at the time the County issues an operating permit as provided in <br />Section VI. Upon acquisition of the wastewater plant and appurtenant <br />real estate, the County would then own the entire wastewater system <br />and would terminate this franchise and provide wastewater utility <br />service to the franchise territory. All accumulated escrow fees would <br />vest in the County. <br />In the event of an acquisition by the County, or the <br />utilization of the County's own plants, the County shall receive the <br />wastewater collection system free of cost and in good repair, wear <br />and tear expected. The Utility agrees to grant to the County any <br />easements necessary to connect the wastewater system to the County's <br />wastewater system without charge. The Utility shall pay all <br />escrowed impact fees upon acquisition or upon connection to County's <br />own plants. <br />SECTION XVIII <br />RENEWAL & REPLACEMENT ACCOUNT <br />Two and one half percent (2 1/2%) of the annual operating cost of <br />the Utility shall be delivered to the County to be placed in an <br />interest bearing renewal and replacement account for purposes of <br />renewal or replacement of the capital assets of the wastewater <br />system of the Utility. Utility shall initially fund said account <br />with five thousand dollars ($5000.00). Interest shall accumulate in <br />said account until the account reaches twenty-five percent (25%) of <br />the estimated value of the system's original cost; thereafter <br />interest shall be paid to the Utility annually by the County. Said <br />funds shall be used only for renewal or replacement of the <br />wastewater system by the Utility as the needs arises and approved by <br />the County. The percentage required to be placed in the renewal and <br />replacement account may be amended after review by the County as <br />necessary to maintain a sufficient account balance taking into <br />account the general condition of the system. Upon the County taking <br />over the wastewater system all accumulated Renewal and Replacement <br />escrow funds shall vest to the County. The County is granted the <br />right to make necessary repairs using said funds in the event of <br />-11- <br />