<br />C�
<br />L
<br />r I/ —z3e-;,4,
<br />PARTIES: hintanuel.8tia.t�hvrch._aL.inch{as_1Si_ver_Coitt►tYr._iaa,------- ("5clln")
<br />DI >e* 4.—$Q)tltQ.. StW7Li-?}QL1711.-F14r��a`3461 (1°F181C) _I`2G1Z-5fr?i-113s't"
<br />and intSiaa [Siswr Cvvnt.se. n9xi�istaLa1Fb111xi4iQl�af ttse stiLn�Lrlflristal ("Euirr"),
<br />of 1848 25tt streat. Ve=a aWWh,J1QxidAa 122+fr4—(phone) _011 567-8.Q{}y
<br />hciebyagua1hat Seiler shallselland Buyer shall buytoafollonvingRea1 Propartyand Personal Property (wiled N-aly"Properly) upon the rollo%irsglsrmsAnd
<br />drndilion%, µhide INCLUDBSYandards for RcaiEstaleTransadions ("Slandard(s)'") on Ihereverso side or alfadsed hereto mid rider and addenda to this
<br />Conlrad for Sale old Purdlase("Contrad").
<br />MMMON:
<br />(a]LegaldcseriptiotinfReulPropcnyivvntcdir ;y an�{iyg�County County,Florida:
<br />=�4 1Taa] _8agcriv E34x1 P.xiaiAil!'A"'� tai ht3d-lie ratQzand-=das a_iz&ct-haregf
<br />(b) Stied addrvw„city, zip, ofdteProperty is: 5M-AV-Q=6Lr.-Right-6l=Way.
<br />(c)PClsJilalPtoprlr.H a &-1 2nngd�4lrR�T�iO 34�Yi, o taining—r,1T-_lCilL"l .623 72-99"Q:4
<br />Lased on zollers o=iginal-09-4L{k.,...AG�IYCkL�SiSI�a�li5t 9.Ba.mtY._. �1i4#.i.Rn 111Ye= carifl$.SC_t�,i,l r
<br />11tt�Lts cell.{, =elo,��xi Che.�.�Qn-sndlaada�isRint>`at,.'.�uetliad_titiShia_Sha_ri�riit�7�MSY•
<br />_ i~i.�^?+�I41L'�THS6Qi1Tii]LC.T iS__$tra.�vrm TO IZII?IAN 1t1VE1L03[H1'Y_.1fIHAr, n an T
<br />t"111t47IAS6PRKL.,............ ......................._.,..,...,......,,.,_,..,-........_._..........................._..............,.....,.....,........ s .2B1.Clp
<br />VAl•MIMY.
<br />(a) MToshhcld in esaawby __. in we amount of ... ...............„..,,- S_ 0
<br />(h) Additional escrowdeiIasituithin day%oftcrETCdivicDate(asdefshedinParagraph 1I1)inthe amauntor.............. S 0 _�
<br />(c) Subject to AND assumption ormartme in good lalmidingin Lworol' _
<br />having mi opproxinutepresrnt principal balance of-
<br />(d)
<br />r............(d) Yurdiase nwncy t1wRga&! mid note(see addendum) in till amount of.............................................................................. S Q
<br />(c)Other: _ $� 0 —
<br />(I) Balmee to dose by'U.S. cash, LOCALLY DRAWN certified 0r +-ndiier's diedcor third -party loan. Subjcd to adjustrm-gas
<br />andproration s ........................°... .................. ........__-------..--.................,.......,.,............................ ............................... s�y�$,1. 00
<br />Hr. TVAV MR A(X?VrANCX OF (71.7.7:1{; EFTECTIVE D.1Tfr„ FACSIMILE- Iflhis offer is not executed bymid delivered to all panics OR FAcr OF
<br />E\'ECUTION mnununioled in +iTilingbc[tvcun i hcportieson er before 15 dggs ,etc dcgwsil(s)vvill., at Buyer`s option, bcrctntlxnad to Buy-
<br />cr and arisoR®r µithdrawn,'rhe dale ofCont'rad ("E.Ife+iit Date") µillbeUte daievchenthe last one afthe Hugh and Seller has signedtlis offer. A faesimik
<br />µspy o fth is Conlrad and an y si pp alt res h aeon shall be considered fur all pu rp oses as ori&als.
<br />Ill% KNAMING;
<br />(a)Ifthcpurdnscpraormtypnrtofilistvbcfin by A third -ii, arty loan, 01 is Con Lrad is uunditioned on Wycrobloiniligawittcrt wnvuum�rltiidr l
<br />days a@er Elfvdive Date for (CHECK ONLY0NL): Q afixed; © an adjustable; or ❑ a fixed or adjustable rate loan for the prindpal
<br />amount ors _ _ . at an initial ircrest rate not to exceed _ _ _ %, discount and origination fees not to exo"d
<br />_ .o oi' die principal amount, and a term or yvtars- Bayer µill make applimlion uillivi days after Filedine Date and use
<br />reasanabty diligpioc to obtain the loan wnanillmoll aild.{Hereafter. to %alisfy llleterrm mid mnditionaorticmnunitrm'nl and dose Une loan. Buyer shall
<br />pay all loan espalses. 11' 131iyer l ilssoublain thcwliuhul lxntl or Failsla xai°. Bu}rr's rip us under this subparagrzph µitnin(he tine firobtaiiinga
<br />wnurtilnk7n4 or, after diligent efl4 t, fails to n)eel tie trans mid Bond itions o ret a win attinen 1, Ill en either p arty ti crealler, by tvriten notice to the
<br />uther,mayeanoel thisContrad and Buyer shall be rehmded thcdepasit(s); or
<br />(b)'Hhe existing nuirtWW destribeJ in paragraph 1I(c) abuvx:has (Cl IECKONL1' UNI:): U a Variable interest rate; ar U a kwj interest rale of
<br />per anmumt Ai tinne artitle4 allsfer sonic fixed interest rates are subjcd to increase. If increased, the rate shall [lot exceed % per annum.
<br />SellerihaB,vyithin Jays After I-ARdive•Date. Nmi%h asiawnkinfront cads mortgagee statiigprintipal balanus, Itxthad ofpayuaeul, hnteresl rate
<br />and status of n)ortcow- lffioycr has agreed to assume atiwmgigemhidn requires approval oflluye°.r by die ni0rtgtpyc far assumption, then Myer shall
<br />promptly obtain the ncassary appliauion and diligently wrrpltle and rerun it to [he mortgagor.
<br />I nwrtgif}•c dl argn(s) 1101 to cxeecd 3 _ shall be paid bylluyer. lflkn}'rr isnot aw.pied bymonp�hgec ur tac.reiiuiremnus lir
<br />assumption arc not in acwtilanuo viA h the lens oftais Centrad, ur morigage•.e• makes a dnxrW in escess utile slated mnliunl. Ndlcr or Buyer mnav resdnd
<br />th is Conlrad by%rilaen notice to die olhvr party un less either elacis Io pay elle in awaso in inter-, rale or egret°,, mar[ phgee diarg0s.
<br />V. TI' E EVIDENCE: At Icast days bereredosvigdatr, but no earlier than__ days dlter Scllcrrvwiitisuritennotitiullion that Buyer
<br />has obtained the loan tussal» Urn rit or been approved for ell c ball ar,su Ilpt ion ace provided in Farogropim I V(a) and (b), ab�o,�vte, or, irappiicib le waived tic Chan.
<br />ringreyuireniants„ (C1iE.C1: (iN�L,r1�"p Oti,Jt']!. L,S�el,,�ler+r sisail�1,t at Sell r x espeas•, deti%vr to Buyer or llv}v:i s attomev or K Buyer dials at 1Anyir s ergs close niblain.
<br />in a—rdmicc Aid. Standard A. Y"1"1�f iy Y[l Y. J M ahstrad [ftida;or X title rrlsuronhco wnmutrOML (µits legible copies of in%trumient% listed a%
<br />excu-plions)and, attcrdosingahouner'spulily oftille bhsuranue-
<br />VI. CIA5INC. DATE:'Iilisuansadion sliall be dowduad ale deed andoturdnsitgpaperos deliverrdon yx. a gxg7a�ify__ gyg, milexs wadipird
<br />byotherprovisionsofthis Contract fmn °Effieftive DaWn (Sm III)
<br />VII. RESTRICTIONS; EASMENTSt MI]TATIONStBuyer Shall takutillesubject to: ourprehensive lurid use plaits, Wining, restrictions, prohibitions
<br />mid other requirements imposedbygn°emtm°nlolauthority, resuilionsand nutters appearing oil the plat or otherwise common to the subdivision; public
<br />utility easements of record (casernints are to be Ionated wntig"aou%to Real Prop uty lixs and not more than IU feet in width as to Utcrear or front lines mid
<br />7 1+2 fist in%tidlh as to die side lines, wdrsruthenOwstated hemin);taxes for ytarul'dosilgoil dsubscquan yiars; assumed awrt&iWs and purdiasenoncy
<br />meagagc..s. if ally, (ifodrer niaticrs, sec paragraph NV); provided. at at ib err eusis at dasbignu violation orale forego in g an d Pi one of Ill enip revenis a sv orale
<br />Property for rn;5--xight=Q1--m j purposc(s),
<br />VDL O ICUP NCV1. Scllrr ivarrants that there are no panics in ouwp:mVyulherthin Suller, but, if Prupertyis intLndcJ tobcrntled orowipied be)ond
<br />dosing the fad and tennis thcrs:orJyailbeStated beiiinundtill: tuirnal(s)orowtpant+disdowdpumuwttto Standard V. Seller rhaildeliver axupancyaf
<br />Property at tittle ofdosingunless otxMic stated herein. lfownpaney ut.o be delivered before dosing lluycr assuniesall iisl; ofloss to Property fronn date of
<br />owripancy, di all be responsible and liable for mint mane: Goin that date, and shall bedcenkd to baro aca°p Wd Pruperlyit its emAingeondiiion a%ortini• or
<br />taking u cop an @' unless 0th cntisc stalvd 1wi vin.
<br />M "lYP1it47trr -IN 03=", iWAR ITIT-1 FRO)A'[SIUNN: Typ %%Tilt el of 11 an d%%t Inn 11rovislon a. r Ides%W1J A44 11dJ'It al l ofnlry l all pr lined proti.,w I
<br />ofttisCantratt al walks i itn them.
<br />tL RIDERS;((:llls'CKtaoseridersedhidtareapplimblcANDareatladhcdtottisConlrad)'
<br />(b) ❑ CON-Dt7MI1Nlum (1} ❑ "AS is,
<br />(v) FtyRI:IGN1NV1iS'I'ir1Fsshrll.ltr3ALpHc)s'Elt•J•5•'rAxhkt'f (9) (--] I1OXII-CrWt+ RS•Alir-MIATION]MM AlStfit E
<br />(dl ❑ Vr'VFIIA (It} Rri.'i1l)F:N-r[ALLEAI7•II,ISEDIIALAiYI)t)ISCI.oSIJIY]'
<br />FAR? BARA Reytsed 11+95 (C) 1944, Horida Amodatiort ol-Rvahors(R) Y.O. 110025CrJ5 Orlando, Florida }2(x)2.51)25 All Rigiul(escrrvd Pavy l of3
<br />This torn) is l wised farusc by1S{i•bIcAllister p'rlhliJlutg3l)3•SKli55
<br />