<br />40
<br />4w
<br />XL AS5ICNADDITI't(CIIL 'K O\I.S' ONE): Buyer D may assign acid thereby be released front any further liability under this Centrad; 0 rnayrinizo
<br />butnot be released from liability under this Contract: or D-< maynot assigi tii%contrad.
<br />Xll. DISCI.OSI RM,
<br />(a)Radun iso naturally onurring radloadive gas tbaimbun awinnrlaled in abuilding in sutlidurn gtrantiticarnay presentlicaldl rinks to persona vvbo arc
<br />oWesadto plover tine. Levels ofradon that exruad fderat and statagsridcYbtca kawbow round ut buildingiin Florida. Addhionsi bifc-rrtranion reprding
<br />Radon or Radon testingruoybcoblill" fyomyol r CountyPubliclicaltlt unit,
<br />(b) Buyer rimy have ddenavnat die clergy cllicirnyy rat agofthe residential building ifanyis locates on Are Real Property.
<br />(c) Ird, a Real Property indudas pre- 1979l esidantinibousalgtllul Paragraph X Or) is atandalory.
<br />X Ill, AIAXIA IUA1 REPA IR CUTF4; Seller shall not be rive on sittle fit r Ate paynkrlt o r w sls in exacts alt.
<br />(a)S NfjLfloor trcatrrtvnt and repair Ander Standard 13(il'blank,Utul 2'eofthe Purdtase Prio:).
<br />(h)S —WA livrrepair acrd rep lawvnwnl kind el,SYandord N(Wil link, than 144ofttc Purdhae Price).
<br />XIV. SPWAL C1 AUSFA: Iradditionaispawisrequired, auadi addendum and CHECK IIERE D
<br />AeNreh
<br />ppravd irern4+mnsNaale err o en+an +hwruryaf ha [ � nr mrdaands in fkfs L'oratreaaf ahnreld be drrep+eel by Ills prurresrr+n pml+arfdrfrwrsarfidn.
<br />Tenor d oondirl -his and c n noted base po the respemlve wierens, objearves and bar gw t posl+ionsofnH+n,sre!resred perrans.
<br />NNE7H R. MA'N''f 0hairnttan (Dac) (Seller Itrsrla Baptist Church (Date)
<br />Of I'1'aI River' Casty. y. Irc.
<br />Social Security or Tax I.D. n IpS1 art fti�r3%C9.I1riCY_ Nodal Security orx 1.17. H
<br />(Dover) Wi3.3,ialn M. apirahr f ate) (Sellar) (Rate)
<br />SodalScwrhy'orTaxl.D.o gj�g -4 Ay q � Social SearrkyorToxi.D.0
<br />Deposit under Paragraph 11(a) reaivrd; IF OTHER THAN CASH. THEN SUBJECT TO CLEARANCE.
<br />(Escrow Agent)
<br />13110K WS ME: The brokers nnowd below, including list in g an it cu operatingbrokers, are die on ly brokers cr7tilled to wngpcosotion fn witnedion with tris
<br />Conbad:
<br />Now
<br />Listing Broker Coop cratin g We kers,
<br />A. Evidence orfite:(1) An abstract oftitleprtpared or brouyfat current bya reputable mid existatgabctrad Lima (ifnot wdstingtten "died as correct by an
<br />esisting firnr)purporiingto be ao accurate synopsis oftle inslninivilts aD'ed'otglirlato tie Renal Property recorded in the public records ofth o muntyulsercin the
<br />Real Property is located lhrouFb Effedive Date. It shalleunurietucWal Lite Carl iestpublierewids, ar sudi later date as may bedis'[oinaryin the County, Upon
<br />dosing ofthis Contiad,the abstrad dialibeairnedie property orBltyer.subjeottodie riotofractrtion thercofby firstrnosigagauntil fullypaid. (2) Atrtle
<br />insnrana` 001111litnainl issued by aFiorida licensed title hmner at7ecingto i.U'ue Buyer, upon recording ofthe decd to Buyer, an omner's policyof title insurance
<br />bl the anwunt cfUhcpurdsase prig, insurarsHu }sur sti!lut++the Real Property, subject onlyto lieges, ertolmbrarcvx, ex`aptionsar elualifiwtior7s provided it this
<br />Contract and th*r4to be dimborgod by Seller at or bolbre closing Seller shall cunveyinarketabie title subject onlyto liens, encianlarances, emwiptions or quald'i
<br />ions provided hi th is Contrad. Marketable title shaft bell Ycnuined auaard'ulgto appficrabie'rilie SLutdardsadopted byautherityafThe Florida liar and in ac a7rd-
<br />micewith law, Buyer shall have 10 days, ifabStrad, or 5 days, irlille ca utravlm hal, main date orreo,iynr chldeaace orhtte to examine it. [ftdie is ronnd defedtvd,
<br />alt y'Cr hall ly7tl is } da}7 tlerCaRCr, notify Seller in %vritinss'''pa ()ijigthe deled(s). Irdefed(s)ran der title art ins rketable, Seller ailihaye30days front receipt of
<br />notice to reniowt7e defarts, failingwhidt Buyer shall, Aitiin live (5) daysalierexpiration ofthethirty (30)day period, deliver ivritten notiosto Sellereither: (t)
<br />eudiding thetinte fora reasonableperiad nal w excicd 120daysuidl41 sslrich Seller shall use 4i1igerllotrwt to rarno'vetsedefeds; or(2)requestinga refund of
<br />deposit(s)paidtvlrids shall be. irnmcdialely returned to Ruyan. ii-Buyur fails to w notify Seller, Buyer slioll be dcerixrt to have aetvpted Ihetgie as it tteu is. Selter
<br />d, n11 • i r I k le is found unmarketable, use d iligsnt effort to uunca defied(s)vii" the tine provided therefor- IfSel ler is unable to timely mrredthe d Crean, Buyer
<br />shall either waiaethe defeds, orreouivc a refund of dcposit(s), thereby releasing Buyer and Seller fiom vii li rthcr obligation under4iis Centrad -
<br />H, Putdtw Ilfoney Alu rigape; Security A grcenrnt m Seller. A p u rdi ase tltoney nwrtpow and mortgage n ata to Seller sh all p rocid a for a 30d ay gran: p er io d in
<br />tae event ofdelault irn first rnorlCJV Lot da 15rlaygaar11eriod iro.woond or lesser niortpge; shall provide for rijit ofprepayuxxdtn nititle or in part svidiout
<br />penahy, shall permitacceleration in event oftransfer ofUic lac:al Property, Aiall require all prior liens andenwmbrancesto be keit in good standingand Ibrbid
<br />nrodifrautions cfor Ivan re advanns under Prfor nti.n&7ge(s); small rcq it ire Buy'ar to nu intain poiidcs or br swanee wntavi ins a standard mortgagee douse covering
<br />all inlprovednarats located on the Real ProperiyagabnA fire and all perils induddwilhin tiet:rm "emendedcoverage clidorsornants" and suds other risks and
<br />peri]sasScliermayreasanablerequire, in an onwountequaltetheir hitjse-,1hssurablevaluc; andthettwrtsage, ttotemtdscutrityagecn7rntslhallbe oticnvisr fur
<br />form and content required bV Seller; but Scaler nmyonlyrequirc dahrsu and wvcragc ulstonrariiy round in nion&lg:s, nrortgngc notes mid xwrfty agreart"is,
<br />generally unlined bysovingc and loan institutions or atalearnanouaf banks located w thewunlyuberein the Reals'ropeny isfoaued- All Personal Property and
<br />leases beat g conveyed or amilgted Ail 1, al SClivr's srptinn. he suhjed to Ulrlieth ofa severity agrceinent avid cucud by record ed tin ancia gstatcuien U. If aballoon'
<br />mortgage, to c final p aysnent sit C xuetd th e p cr iod is paymcrits thereon.
<br />C Survey: Ruycr, at Duyer'sexpense, within tint allowed to deliver evidence of lithe and to examine sans., nnayhaNethe (teal Property sumyod mid codified by
<br />a registered Florida SlYryG*w- 11 the surwy di'doses cavoad'rrer1ts on the Real Property or that m3provenkntS hi Allied thereon emuroadl on setback line.S, edse
<br />rncnk, lands ofothors or violate my restridiuns, Controls craven wits or applicable goveruaental regulation, the santeshat) constitute a title doled.
<br />D. T¢mitcsa&lyer. at Buyer's uxpanse, avian: the lines allo,cd to &Iivcr evid moo oftitiv, moylaavv the Pro, erly inspeded b, s FII rfda C'rtilied Pest Coulrol
<br />Operator ("Operator")todnCrntaaeifilkere is tiny visible active tornliteallcuation orvisibledantagc frorntermite inrestation ht Ute Property.lfeitacr or bout are
<br />found, Huyer shall have 4 days from date of urittel7 notice dt ereo favid t in sit, dI to have cost of treaunaol, irregntrd, estimated by the Operator and all damage in.
<br />spected mid a"rated byafiansedbuilder of9,pteraiwiluactur.SvilcrLJkallpayvalidcosts ofucabasasland repair ofalldanus:upto(he ornountprovidedvt
<br />Paragaph Xlll(a). ifeslimalcd mals oxo ed that amount, Buyer shall have Urc option orwu4lingthis Contract Aittbn 5days alter receipt of wntradet's repair
<br />estintate by givingArincil nolia to Scllcr or Buyer naycied to proved with die transaction, mid rcmive acredit at dosblgan the amount provided in Paragaph
<br />X111(a). "Term nus"shall be deemed to indude all uued itestroyinguroan isas required to be i buried ander die Florida Past Control nisi, asatramiltd.
<br />K Ingress and Fgmas: Seller warrants and r Pres cots that tare is ingest and egos to tie Real Prnli'dystitideru for its intended attic as described in Paragraph
<br />VII hereof, titleto vvbich is in aw rda cc %wh Standrrd A
<br />F. Leases:Sclier shall, not lessthan 15 days before dosusg flim15i1 to Myer cupicsi fall mtriuva leaswh and estoppel letters frdnh each tenant 3pCdfy'in$1lp nature
<br />and duration ofthetenant'soccupancy,rentalrates. adv=" rent and sewfity deposits paid bytenant. IfScll,:r is unable to obtain sudi letter treat eadi tenant,
<br />the sans: infafnWllon shall be runt idled by Sellar to Buyer withal that title period in tie formol`a Seller's allidavil, and Boyce nety Utcrcager contact tenants to
<br />wnfuns suedi information. Seller shall,at dosing, deliver and assign all otionil leases to Buyer.
<br />G.IJens: Seller shall lbmishtoBuyer altimaofdosingan allldavitaucstnytotteah7s,as0.,unIrssuUscnviseprovided for lterein,ofany fmandrigsL.;.—mt,
<br />daims of lien or potential Honors kasotvn to Seller and lurtier attestinglhal dacrehav: been no inprovenienu crreaoiralo the Real Property for 90days imnd.
<br />iatelyprecedingdatcofdosing Irtil,Real PrupertyhaSlomii Vrovedorrepairedwitiin that lime, Sellers11al4dchv*err:lcascYor vvah-craorc'onsuirdion lialls
<br />exealed byall pfrieralwnhactcrs, subwtrua'dors, suppliers and nwlcrialnrxlr in addition to Seller's lien affidavit setl'ungfnith the narn:s*fall suds general con•
<br />troctors, subwnttwors, suppliers mad nlitcrialmen, funytcr alSmsbtg that all dIMSCs for in proverttcnts or repairs "{aids could serve as a basis for a eonstrudion
<br />Item ar a dainsfor damages have been paid or will be paid aldrc dovingofthis Contract.
<br />IL Plane ufClcsing:Cloaingstroll beheld al the wanly wherein the Real Property is located at the ofif hcofthcattorneyorother dariogaDart cicsigcaled by Seller.
<br />FAR, B,19 4 Revised IT 95 (C) 1995. Florida Assouatton ufReaftors(It) P U.. lJox725025 Orlando, Flutido 324171-5U25 rill Ridits.Resaved Pag 2ofI
<br />l b ie furca Is licensed for use by lNU-NI V 111 ister Publishing 301,54&6355
<br />