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G <br />® experiments and theory for development, and must include source and sink terns to <br />40 accommodate erosion and deposition. In view of the complexity of sediment transport <br />and the limitations of sampling for topographic changes, calibration of the sediment <br />transport submodel and associated predictions of topographic change can only be <br />qualitative. The desired result of the model calibration with respect to topography and <br />shoreline position is the ability to predict the observed spatial and temporal patterns of <br />deposition and erosion. <br />Model calibration will involve the assembly of monitoring data now being collected into <br />a format that is convenient for coupling with, and comparison to the required data sets. <br />These data include directional wave data both seaward of and within the PEP Reef field, <br />water level data, and topographic data to set the initial bathymetry of the model and for <br />comparison to predicted results. Also included in the data set will be weather data, and <br />data on the textural properties of sand in the beach and shoreface. The monitoring test <br />plan from which these data will be obtained includes wave, current and water level data <br />from three locations. Wave data and water level data collected approximately 1200 feet <br />seaward of the Reef field will be used to drive hydrodynamics at the seaward boundary of <br />the model. Measurements from two instrument stations located near Reef segments will <br />be used for comparison with predictions of wave parameters, currents, and water level at <br />these locations. <br />Model calibration for sediment transport and topographic changes in the project areas <br />will consist of a qualitative comparison with topographic change data collected over <br />quarterly periods. The site mon:ton.^.g plans .,.elude a survey of 75 prones at tluce- <br />month intervals within the PEP Reef field, seaward of the Rif zPampnte —A r.. thA north <br />and south of the Reef field. From these data volumetric calculations of topographic <br />change will be made for areas landward and seaward of the Reef field, as well as within <br />the Reef field. The zones to the north and south of the PEP Reef field included in the <br />survey area will also be included in the calculation. However, due to CPU requirements <br />of running wave conditions over a relatively large area (model domain or model grid), it <br />may be necessary to divide the model runs into at least three sections. One section to <br />