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13 <br />A.5 Finf ish and ShellFish Transport <br />The EFDC code includes the capability of simulating the transport and fate of various life <br />stages of finfish and shellfish. Mortality, predation, toxicity and swimming behavior are <br />simulated in addition to advection and diffusion by the ambient flow. Organism age and <br />ambient environment queued vertical and horizontal swimming and settling is simulated. <br />• Environmental queues include light intensity, temperature, salinity and tidal phases. <br />A.7 Near Field Lischarge Dilution and Mixing Zone Analysis <br />In addition to the far field transport and fate simulation capability incorporated into the <br />EFDC code's water quality and toxic contaminant modules, the code includes a near field <br />discharge dilution and mixing zone module. The near field model is based on a <br />Lagrangian buoyant jet and plume model (Frick, 1984; Lee and Cheung, 1990) and <br />allows representation of submerged single and multiple port diffusers and buoyant <br />surface jets. The near field model provides analysis capabilities similar to CORMIX <br />(Jirka and Doneker, 1991; Jirka and Akar, 1991) while offering two distinct advantages. <br />The first advantage is that a more realistic representation of ambient current and <br />stratification conditions. This representation is provided directly by the EFDC <br />hydrodynamic module, is incorporated into the analysis. The second advantage is that <br />multiple discharges and multiple near field analysis times may be specified to account for <br />varying ambient current and stratification conditions. For example, the analysis of ten <br />discharges under six ambient conditions each would require 60 executions of CORMIX, <br />while the entire analysis of the 60 situations would be produced in a single EFDC <br />simulation. The near field simulation may be executed in two modes. The first mode <br />provides virtual source information for representing the discharges in a standard EFDC <br />far field transport and fate simulation. The second mode directly couples the near field <br />and far field transport during simultaneous near and far field transport and fate simulation <br />modes using a virtual source formulation. <br />A.7 Spill Trajectory and Search and Rescue Simulation <br />In addition too the Eulerian transport equation formulation used for far field analysis and <br />the Lagrangian jet and plume module used for near field analysis, the EFDC code <br />incorporates a number of Lagrangian particle transport formulations based on an implicit <br />trilinear interpolation scheme (Bennett & Clites, 1987). The first formulation allows the <br />release of neutrally buoyant or buoyant drifters at user specified locations and times. <br />This formulation is useful in simulating spill trajectories, search and rescue operations, <br />and oceanographic instrument drifters. The second formulation releases drifters in each <br />three-dimensional model cell at a specified sequence of times and calculates the <br />generalized Lagrangian mean velocity field (Andrews and McIntyre, 1978) relative to a <br />users specified averaging interval. <br />