A.9 Wetland, Marsh and Tidal Flat Simulation Extension 14
<br />• The EFDC model provides a number of enhancements for the simulation of flow and
<br />transport in wetlands, marshes and tidal flats (Zarillo, 1998) The code allows for drying
<br />and wetting in shallow areas by a mass conservative scheme. The drying and wetting
<br />formulation is coupled to the mass transport equations, which prevents negative
<br />concentrations of dissolved and suspended materials. A number of alternatives are in
<br />place in the model to simulate general discharge control structures such as weirs,
<br />® spillways, culverts and water surface elevation activated pumps. The effect of submerged
<br />•and emergent plants is incorporated into the turbulence closure model and flow resistance
<br />"formulation. Plant density and geometric characteristic of individual and composite
<br />plants are required as input for the vegetation resistance formulation. A simple soil
<br />moisture model, allowing rainfall infiltration and soil water loss due to evapotranspiration
<br />under dry conditions, is implemented. To represent narrow channels and canals in
<br />wetland, marsh and tidal flat systems, a subgrid scale channel model is implemented.
<br />The subgrid channel model allows a network of one-dimensional in the horizontal
<br />channels to be dynamically coupled to the two-dimensional in the horizontal grid
<br />representing the wetland, marsh or tidal flat systems. Volume and mass exchanges
<br />between 2-D wetland cells and the i -D channels are accounted for. The channels may
<br />continue to flow when the 2-D wetland cells become dry.
<br />A.10 References
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