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40 <br />`l ROBERT W. NEUMANN <br />,, .�,:•' <br />PALM REACH COUNT <br />SHERIFFHERIFF'S OFFICE <br />T��, r... , , 1 P.O.PA. SOX 24681 <br />PALM BEACH COUNTY frAft", 1 WEST PALM BEACH. FL33416.4681 <br />(561) 688-3000 <br />October 14, 1997 <br />To Whom It May Concerts: <br />I have been professionally associated with Mr. Kurt Gehring, President of The Gehring Group, <br />for the last four years. During that time I have found hies to be very knowledgeable, personable, <br />and thorough in his relationship with tlse Sheriff's Office. Mr. Gehring has always been readily <br />available for consultation, and quick with his responses. 'fhv office staff at The Gehring Group <br />is extremely reliable and professional, and provides a Significant base or support. I have had an <br />opportunity to sheet with each of the staff, and round theist to be extremely valuable assets to The <br />Gehring Group's overall mission. d <br />Mr. Gehring's ability to provide rapid follow up, and his reliability in providing direct contact, <br />has proven to be a valuable resource to ine as the Sheriff's Office Risk Manager. His evaluations <br />are complete, and prepared according to specifications. Mr. Gehring has always presented his <br />proposals and recommendations in person, and [Wade himself available to answer cluestions. He <br />has often had to make adjustments to his schedule on relatively short noticc. <br />IT, essence, Mr. Gehring has the ability to make his clients feel its though lie has only one client! <br />That its an admirable trait, and one which demonstrates a great deal of expertise and commitnsent <br />to his clients. I would highly recoTisnielld Mr. Gehring to anyone seeking a professional <br />consultant hs the field of health, life, and accideut insurance.. <br />rtcerely, <br />David W. Ferebee <br />Risk Manager <br />HEADQUARTERS <br />5328MUHCLUBRP <br />WEST PAW BEACH, FL 3406-3041 <br />1561}60&9000 <br />DISTRICT i1'STPIr.T0 <br />172AGUN("I 4AD "l.. ' - <br />COURT SEnV CES <br />2245 NO COX it HICf1i1WAY <br />W 5t PALM 5EACH. FL V01 <br />I56$p S55 2760 <br />rilTA"T ill IV STRICT IV t)ISTRICT V t)IqTRICT'11 <br />..4 ,i' ,;"0',".V .C, 0 .'- 5.'9; ,.0_o-": <br />