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DESCRIPTION HOURS LABOR <br />West Regional Wastewater Treatment Facility (WRWWTF) Effluent Reject System <br />1 Submittal review and comment relative to the control hardware and interface. 10 $ 1,500.00 <br />2 Provide programrning of existing PLC to incorporate the VO control of the two 20 $ 2,700.00 <br />valves and the logic necessary to cycle them w hen the w ater is out of spec. <br />3 Provide configuration of the HMI database and displays to incorporate this 10 $ 1,350.00 <br />control. <br />4 Startup the valves to verify operation, then verify the programming and display 10 $ 1,350.00 <br />functionality and put into service. <br />5 Any additional modifications to support any requests from operations after 10 $ 1,350.00 <br />running the system for a w hile. <br />TOTAL 60 $ 8,250.00 <br />Quotation as of 6/7/2023 - Page 1 of 1 <br />