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Mr. Himanshu H. Mehta, P.E. <br />2 June 2023 <br />Page 6 <br />Geosptec(" <br />consultants <br />During the June 2023 mobilization for the semi-annual groundwater monitoring event, Geosyntec <br />personnel will collect groundwater samples from monitoring wells GR-MW20B, MW26B, MW30B, <br />MW37B, MW02D, MWIOD, and MW30CC. Groundwater samples will be collected using <br />conventional low flow purging methods to evaluate concentrations of dechlorination indicators <br />including dissolved gases, total organic carbon, and dehalococcoides (Dhc) and VC- and TCE- <br />reductase analyses (FGA [vcrA/bvcA/tceA]). Proposed groundwater sample analyses are provided in <br />Table 10 of the 2022 Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report. Groundwater sampling activities are <br />estimated to take 2 field days with 1 person to complete. <br />Investigation -Derived Waste (IDW) Management <br />Soil removed from the top 5 feet of the subsurface during utility clearing at each location will be <br />returned to the borehole. IDW consisting of purge water and decontamination water from the drilling <br />equipment will be drummed and staged for off-site disposal. Soil cuttings from two DPT soil borings <br />will also be drummed and stored for off-site disposal. IDW characterization samples will be collected <br />and submitted to a fixed -base laboratory for analysis of VOCs by EPA Method 8260B (for liquid IDW) <br />and TCLP VOCs (EPA Method 8260B) and TCLP RCRA 8 metals (EPA Method 6010D and 7470A <br />for mercury) (for solid IDW), as required by the waste disposal facility. The analytical results will be <br />used to profile the IDW prior to transport and disposal. It is assumed that IDW will be characterized as <br />non -hazardous. <br />The estimated hours and associated breakdown of hours in Phase 6 are as follows: <br />Staff professional — a total of 20 hours, including: <br />• 4 hours to prepare the THA; <br />• 8 hours to prepare for the field event; and <br />• 8 hours oversight of IDW pickup for off-site disposal. <br />Senior Staff professional — a total of 100 hours, including: <br />• 4 hours to prepare for the field event; <br />• 12 hours to mark locations and oversee the brush clearing and utility locate prior to the field <br />event; <br />• 60 hours DPT groundwater and soil sampling (five 12 -hour days); <br />• 20 hours monitoring well sampling; and <br />• 4 hours to return equipment, complete documentation, etc. after the field event; <br />Senior professional — a total of 20 hours, including: <br />• 2 hours to review the THA; <br />• 2 hours for a Senior Geologist to develop the scope of work; <br />• 4 hours for a Senior Engineer to review the scope of work; <br />• 10 hours to provide field support and data analysis (2 hours per drilling day); and <br />• 2 hours of project management/communication with the client. <br />FR0766\XR23010.docx <br />engineers I scientists I innovators <br />