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40 Upas lerminrt eancslW lar. or cxpdnars of lhil ASrresns0C each perry ahs[! pmmpgy return to the ales 5 !' lsaf7 sr ateriels an i pmptrtirs or Iba tHhrr heG! by xrsch parry, <br />xi. .►5.tIGNMIi"fr <br />Cuat rner nuy pot traasfer or assists this Agreement to any 01W party wilt wl the eTim prior mitten town of NFC. Nll may assign this rnntrrel In any rarest enmpany. suMAdiary. or <br />..,.ilinle uf"iFC, n in conne<t�nn hitt the salt nfssrhstxnsially all oftha assess of N1:C, without Cnxwmer'a wnxnt. <br />IL GOVERNING IAW <br />This Agreemrat shall be gmcrrred by and aarxl coal in acnxdante with the dmnettic iswa of the Stale of New YnA <br />13. NOT1CF$ <br />A!4 entices roquirwi or permivai to be gisrn under thin Agmment Shall be in w7 t ng suer s. <br />n1 to Mh pert, at the wldscss [ndiMleG lehsvr by certified tf.S. moil .0 .6tr delhirry smite <br />prmid[ng the sender a signature uT . mceipt. Such notice s411 be effrxtisn upon raceipt. <br />1NI)L►N RIVER COUNTV <br />NEC MISINF.SS NETWORK SOIAfiI.ONS, INC. <br />Addrrss.: <br />Addmw 5990 Enierprim Parkway <br />Fast Syracuu. NY 13657 <br />FacaimM.. <br />Facs[osik! (115) 449.9443 <br />Attention: <br />Altention: Mr. Il Ward McGraw <br />54. NONAYAIVCR <br />The wailer by either party of any WWI of any ohligatum will not operaiess n waitsr of any anh5«ptcni default. "t escuw nny fi rum nhkigatirm <br />I& Com <br />Customer tail pay Al! of "IECs wdfs and esya era including nulslmable atti nncys and mYleckm fm, im lured in eofurcmg [his Agreemeal. <br />I& ENTIRE AGREEMENT <br />nix Agreement, when executed by N1%' and Cumm" and app�cd by NF.C. umsfirotea the Inti re agreement brri —i N17E and Cu5tumv with lepard m CutiamNa aeniw and maintenarrce <br />by NEC. My akteratiom or uwdifications to this Agrecmenl must be in %7iliti& and must he cr. uicd by beth an offictr of NEC and the Custonter. ANY AI.TY. RfLWONS OR <br />MODIFICATIONS TO TH IS AGREE M ENT, UN LESS MADE IN ACC O11OANCF, W 1TI In IF AnOV e, 511AIA- HE VOID AND OF NO EFFEf7. <br />IN WYMESS NVIIEREOF, Customer and NEC kmve entered into this Agrccmcnt. as indtwied by the signatures of their authoriacd rrp mnlatrsea below. <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY NFC HUS[ NETWORK nIATIONS, INC. <br />C3ntaraer q . <br />Pr7ap Name: Fran B. Adams I' `a+ 11i� R,11 KCLii l>k� <br />Vic N'�°r° <br />•Tltk-. Charman, Board of County ,,rr``�� r <br />commissioners •lldr:� i� 004A1 -f jVit- -kv.A --UU <br />— -- -- - - — -- <br />rwt:—Junp <br />-wemsamwr is a comraftio [ruscafe tM pod"" ofke held by the peraon.Ignh g this Agrce t m the 111k lb.. If f tutumrr is a partnenlrip the .►sreemenr muse 6e ilyp ed <br />by all parrrtrrt Cor as koxt a "maMxft partore) whh the word "parimrshlp" un the Olt lure, if lire f %mtrmxr I5 an haii%Wuxl, im rt the phrase"ask proprietne' ar the risk iter. <br />Indli.n Rho C6 Approved Dale <br />Admin, <br />Legal <br />�;eol <br />-• =N Mgt <br />