XL ASMCMARUJTY:(CHECK Or7,Y O\ii): 'Buyer Cj mayaaais and thereby be released from mylLrthirr 6000y, under thisContrid; ❑mayu%ign
<br />butnotbsrcicased�omliab:lAyunderthiaCamtract;or rnaynotasaifrythisContrad.
<br />Xie IIISCU11St1RES:
<br />(a) Radon is naturally occurring radioadiw gra that when a"mulated in ;building in smMaient quentilinmay preaertthealth rink; la pawns who art
<br />tsfouedto it over time, [.earls of rad on that exceed federal and Kate glidelinen have beat found in building in Florida. Additional infntmeion it PST.Im g
<br />Radon orRadonte"gmaybeobtain cdbonryourCounlyrvbIicIlealthunit.
<br />01lluyst mvybaim 4tiesmitedthe en"Veffndemcyralinaefiht residenticl hnadinI& irmyisloested an the Real Property.
<br />(e) If the Rest "early ildudes pre.1978residtnlialhousingthm Paragraph X (h) is mandolory.
<br />X111. h1A.'1l:tti'M REPAIR CKVM- Seiler shall not beregronsibte for the payment of nes in excess of
<br />Pal $ JILL for treatment end repair under Standard D (ifblrnk, then 2% ofthe Purchase Nice).
<br />(b) S _ N J,y for repair and teplacemmt under Standard les (irblank, theft P4 oflh t Nohow Mae).
<br />XIV, SPEML[L USU. Ifsaid%ionshpsowarequired,alldi addendum andCIMCKHFRF ❑ .
<br />.fpprvvttf trnotoonrtltwrr riwon shrtmyofrhstrrynsmdmndittonrinthis Contend should rheaa;pfedbyrheparnrrrnnparliorf.armnraciion.
<br />T7dw—nd,rrP�.xr&hld be rte ed bare pon the rerpecttw interests, obje7iver and 1pgednfngpoiftfonrmfsif rnlffl�jm Perrone.
<br />'Atlyrot) Kenneth R. hlaeht [Date) (t: t MG plate)r
<br />SodalStcurit�8 ,u�1 �+ acc / SoaalSeew or TAX
<br />�i T+
<br />/suer,; j! .'tr !//Af .r Ej �A�l
<br />y,�✓' Lr,{`/!�•. f
<br />(Buyer) William M. ~Napier (Dae)
<br />SodalSeatrilvorTmxl.D.■ ._Iedpht-of-Hay Agent Social SeniritvorTax l.D.0
<br />Dmoxkunder Paragraph 11 (a)received: lF(ll'IIF:R Z'IIAI�'C'rlRll.'I'III;h1 til"II.11.iC-I"I°I1 t:I.I:AI(r1ltiCls. _ (liwnwAgen I)
<br />BROKFR'S FES; The brokera named below, including lining and coop rialingbrukers, arethe only brokers entitled to witpensatinn in connedion with this
<br />Camtrad:
<br />Nast pf
<br />LiningBroker Cooperalingprokma, irony
<br />& V-Adem oMati(1) An abAradaftitloprep aMnr bra uifrtcurrent by reputable indd"in itabtar act Grm(ifnot chNstingthel certified ac cheered by an
<br />exuding rem) purporlingto bean oca me monopair afthe instruments alfed in Lille to the Rtil Property mwrded in the public records ofthc arunly Wierein tic
<br />Real Property it located drscughEticdivc Data. It %hall onrimmoewilh the carliestpuhlicrcoorclk or avdh Iaterdme as maybe usseomaryin the CCU "Ly. Upon
<br />do;vig ofthitContract, the abstract shallbecatnothepioperlyof€oyer,subjcttotherightofrdrnlionthatol'by first mortgagerunlimIlypaid. (1) Atitle
<br />inauratim wmrutru ntimued by* Florida licensed Ikleinaureragreeingto issue Buyer, upon tecordingofthe deed In [layer, an o"ces pol3ryaf title insurance
<br />in the amount ofthepurdhase price, in wring flu yer';titletathe RtalPraptriy, subjed only to hens enambuna,s, a=plion aorquell fialionIpro%tided in this
<br />Centrad and chn.a to bad isdnsrged by Rallw at or before doting Seller shall amveyrharkRahlo title mibisar only to lima, muumh ran wa, cxceplionx or flu Ali fiwl-
<br />ions paavided in thinConlrs4t Markel able titfs ohs 11 bedeterntired aanrdirgtoapplicable Title Standards adopted by aulhorityof The Florida Flat and in suaird.
<br />once with law. Hoyer ih al l h ave 30 days, if oberad, or 5d". iftKla eorm kincrit. from date ofrrocivin g eviddtee o ftitle to exam n e it. [f tale is found Qrfed(v c,
<br />Buyer shall within 3dayithownaer, not4Selleritwrithsgapecif*gthedcfcd(s)•]fdefed(s)tendertitleunmarketable, Seller Will havo30daysfromreceipt of
<br />notiocto remaye the defect:; failing ohidt Buyer as all, within five (5) days after expiration ofthe thirty(30)day period, deli%rr widen notice to Seller either: (1)
<br />eaundingthetionefor areaaoaabloperiod not torecord :20dayawithirwhidrSeller shall usediligernolfoRtotemo%ethe def;ds; or (2) requesting a refund or
<br />depaait(a) paid xbids shall be uuynodistrly resumed to Buyer, tf Rayer fsilsto so not4 Sel:n, Buyer auall be deemed to have accursed the title as it then is. Seiler
<br />shall, iftilleisfound umrriadEdsble, use diligent cfbatowned defed(s)i%*hin the time provided therefor. IfSeller isunableto timelyterredhhc defeta, Myer
<br />+hall either mive the defoilk orreoeivr it rcfimd ofdtpo;it(s),thereby relcssing Buyer and Seller from all furthetobligation under this Conlrad_
<br />R Purdswae MoneyNicirt",, SrcutftyApementto Seller. Apurchase mancynlortgeix and morlDigenote to Seller shallptovide fora 30daygramperiod in
<br />the c%=t nldcfauh ifs Era mortf7w and a "mYgraueperiod if asecond or heves rmortgage; A all provide for right nrprepaymenlm whaltor in part withmn
<br />prnahy; shat permit soccUrxion in event oftransfer ofthe Real:Roperty; shall require all prior hens and moumbranw, la be kept in wad sta dingand forbid
<br />rllodnficnions oror More advances imder prior mnrtpr(&),; &hall require Duyct to maintain policies al7hisurance R]ntamnrng a aandard mortppger dmumk%iwrnng
<br />all mprove nmis located on the Real Property appirim fire and all perils iuludcd v%illlii the term "extended m%ermga mdorsements" and wdi olhcr rinkx and
<br />peri:aas Seller may rewnsblo require, in an amount equalln their hlgh[,[ insurable vaiuc; and the mortgage, tnolcand acdrrreyar;ecmrnt.lrallhe otnerwist in
<br />form and content required by Seller; but Seller msyonlyrequire louses and mYcrag wraornarily found in mortgages, monpXgc notes and"eurny a(j'on,hen t%
<br />generally urititsod bysavirga and loam institutions or sale or national banks located iri thccountywhereit the Real Property isloaucal. All Personal property k and
<br />Masts bring conveyed or assigned will, xScller's option, be subject to the lien are security agreement evidenced by recorded fria - AR Personal
<br />if a balloon
<br />mortgrgc, tnc Pons1pmvnmtwilIexxedthe periodicIsayv is thereon.
<br />C Suntyi Buyer, at flu yer's cop an w, with in time allowed to deli ver avid ence a ftitlo an d to exanrisc sense, mayhair tit Real Prop City surveyed and %eetiCed by
<br />a rep stercd Florida so nryor. if the survey d isdows on no adi mento on the Real Prop city or that rnrp rovernen is lootedthe; cc rnvaadi on ")radian or. caxe-
<br />menu, I in a ofoth era o r violate my restriction k ConV,d w ven onto or cep pliable ipwitnottnt a1 rcpt lation,1h a acme all all wnishote a tele d efts,
<br />D.Trissites:Myer, of Buyers eapmae,%ithii the lin allowed to deliver ovidenoe orcitle, rnayha%o the Property intpedeJ by a Florida%nilicd prat Control
<br />Opceuor (-0perxwr-)to determineiflhere is any Yirible active termite infcastion or visibledanulge &omlermite ihfertstion in thePropcny.Ifeither or both are
<br />found. Buyer t hollha%eidayat}omdose ofwritaen notice theitofwit in %%hich to havectiat oftreftimt, ifroquirod, estimated by the Operator surd all damage in.
<br />tpected and estimated by licensed builder orgrateralcontractor, Sellcss1a11 payvrlid orseauftreatment and repair ofall damage up to the amount provided it
<br />Parograph Mills). [fertimMtd mita exceed that amount, Buyer shall havethe option ofasnoelingthisContract uithin 5 days ager motiptof contractor's repair
<br />estimate by giving%sittdt notieoto Seller or Buyer nayclect to proceed with the tranaadion, and receive a credit at desingon the amount provided in Paragraph
<br />XIII(a). "Termite shall be deemed to include all %nod dceroyiygorganismt required to be reported under the Florida Prs Control Ad, ss amended.
<br />E. iapeaa amid FAxi st: Seth•. woman It and rep rescnu lh at 4h ere is ingras an d Cerra to th e R ell Prop rorty nuaident fir ata in ten d ed on an &sa abed in Partly oph
<br />Vii herwC title to %bids is in accord incovikh Standard A.
<br />F. Lemwmrs: Sella shall, riot Igoe ten 15 days before doming lbran ilk to Myer top is ofalI witicn loam and estoppel letters from tach tenant op eci4ingthe nalule
<br />an duration ofthe too ant'&omupr,ry,retire Irates, advanced rmtmid new Fill, dtposkm paldbytorten t. [fScROr is unablota attain such leiter fres each tenant.
<br />the cam information shall belhrnishcd by Seller to fluyen with in thsttime period in the form ofa Sol lee a IQ'idsvit, and Buyer rimy Ill ereaaorennls4 tenants to
<br />can firm such inforrseion. Seller Aall, at dosing deliver and assign all original leasee to Myer,
<br />C Liam Seller th all dla in ish to flu yer at f into o f dosin g an a ifidevit sue" glo the ah"n r, u IM, oto emi&c providnl lax hrrens, of any Ro an cion g sat some n..
<br />claims of lien orp*ten list lien oro knov+m to Seller ondllarther alleevhgthat LI, ere I,gve born Inu irtprowrncnis or rep a 41, to the 9rat Prop Myt'ur 1,14i days immAd-
<br />ialelyprecedingdate ofdoPin g Ifthe Real [sropeAyhsaheen intpretrd arrep airedwithin Or atIimc, Se1Its sha11delivrr re Ica set or vaaivers of ccnnnrdion li err
<br />execsrt.ed by all Smeralotntradori, sub mntrsdnra, sup pliers and mal" ia:nx l in addition to Seller's lien atfidna test ingfunh the name of all No di. gymere I w
<br />lretnrs, 5ubolntrattorv, aupplint and tnuerislnxsa, funher affirming that all do+rWn for inj,roventmba or repairs,vh dub nulla icrw as a antis far a tanitnntinn
<br />hen or a doonPer domsgw have been paid orwitl be paid slim dolangafWmCunnrod,
<br />IL Nur or(ladmi.Liosing $hill behold in the countywberein the Real Property it Inurltd it the clfi%rnftneMWnroy err of cr Jcaingagml deaiyiMetl hy!drgrt
<br />FAR: BAR -4 Revived I193 (C) M4, Florida AmaocistionofReaher a(R) P.O 11ox715(f15 thlando, Florida 11M -3W All R,n�llxltesttwed Pagtelofl
<br />This form }f
<br />is =led For Law byISCldfcklliMer Puhliahing10;1K,G155
<br />