LT—dote"poring'4mep+riod+ofItuth'Anil%(6)day'r,,S'undayx+nd date ornation itIrsalholidays ;hill beexcluded, Anyrimepariodiprovidad
<br />for III Willim missA M-0 m4 ono Saturday, Sunday. tire legal holiday shall emend to S.DQp.m uftlhe neeebulinewd+y. Thee, isofthe a fiance in this Contrad.
<br />1 fysaan fists Ibrpodng.Sellra Shell fUmish dlsdad. bill ofrrle,mnstrudion lien sifidayit, awnar•s po"Onion afiidndt, swigirnmu oftealev.terseetl and too
<br />r jr,pr eotapp al !aq en rad W Regio n cru trarhLL Bu yea sit I i I fu rniah dB A in g ASY enrnh t, man �„ ge, rtes mgt ge n o[e, redtrl<y area so ;t n d lin an do g nut eersm to
<br />K [sp+At+ea:Docuomostarystaltrson the deed Ind rawrdengofcorreaiw instrumenu shall the paid by Seller. Doalmentarymursps and intanpLls ssxon ent .
<br />dhwmorteymortpMandenyrortp,gsBarunerd, And reasFditgofpuFallAasmoneyntartyrgetoSeller, deed and ORancatgAstementoshaItbapaid x rsaJiuyrr
<br />ijr
<br />Ualasa athasystso provided bylswar rider toIhlSCoeuOd, dsargent fbrthe fallowingrelsled lilla:mime, namely title otabrtrmct dhargp, title cid b the and
<br />aaerJerrxnt enddosing�e, shsti bs pond by thepsny reap on Sib le for A]mithin&theIMe evidenm in accord once wRh parngrspIt V.
<br />L Pmn9orAOmdlu:Toxm ateeaneri react, iotorest, insurnoa end other e,grenits ofthe Propmy sh all be prorated through tha daybefare dosing 11si
<br />thin hAvg the option ofukingover etadngPotidea ofitsornce, ifrrsumuble, in uhidt Eventprevniuffe Ili All be Prorated Cosh at dating All all be inneand or de.
<br />atssed &a may be required byprorstionr to be nude through day prior to dosingor oaupancitif000sp+ncyoossrs herore dosing Advance amt Ind stcurnydrp-
<br />osilswill be credited to Buyer. EsaowdepoiRs held bymortpgee%%ill be aedited to Seater 1°axes shall be prorated based an the outran( yrar'a taxtsilh due alto -
<br />minor made for mammum allowable discount, homestead and other exemptions. Ifdosing eaurs at a date %,ban lie current year's Friila gain nat fixed and ourrant
<br />year"a+steaansant is available, utas will bepteraled hosed upon rude aucunscnt and prior yen's nuiiiier. ircurrent years auesrment it not available, sheat taxes
<br />will ba prorated anprioa yetr'sux ifthere ire completed irrpravc1nenu an the Real Psopeny by January 14 ofyter ofdoiing which (rtprovevsmu weranol n
<br />tat`-noe on January lstorprioryear, then tesla rhsll bepr.,r+led based upon prtorycsr°amillage and atOR equitAbleamument to be agecedupon between the
<br />Borneo; ht rsa%tids, requestsh all be mudeso the County Properly Appr+iser rot s.'ti infainul maAeamannlukingisto uspunt AvailAble exenrtioaa. AUxprore.
<br />lion based on ns tatinster hall, st scions ofeither party, bereadju%ad upon receipt efuxbill on condition that s sularentto that elfed ismiessed at doting
<br />M Spade" Assamisn s Matsan Certified, ma6rmed and joU d spedal limiter mt liens as of date ofdoring(not me ofE6ontive Data) ars to be paid by Seller,
<br />Pemditgliensasdfdateofdolisgshell bes=modbyHuysr.Iftheiruprownsenthis been subxantidlycorpletedasorEllediwDitto. any pending lien Shell be
<br />considered onrtilied, O"Ar tredor ratified and Seller than, atdoiing bacdhorged OR smount equal In the Isis adnate or assessment far the inprowmentby the
<br />publicbody.
<br />N.Inspecdoo, Repairand NU netnanat:;Salle' wennietsahstw as of M days prior todoaing the coiling roof(indudiingshefascia and sotfns) end exterior and in.
<br />lmrtar WIR M, raundation, asawAlls (car equivalent) and dockage do not have any Visible Evidence ofeemi a, water damage or structural damage and that the septic
<br />Look goat In appliances. modhsaiet itemt,hes(ing cooling electrical. plumbing systema and ma" cry Arc in Working Condition. 'Iha raregoitg warranty shall
<br />be rustitedto theiurrr 4edfied un leu otherwise provided in sn Addendum Bss)ermay, at Buyer'scsprnse, have inspcaions msdeofthose Rema by1 firm or itd=
<br />hviduol specializing in horn isspodlansand holdioganorrupalional license rot Audi Purpose(ifrequired) or by an appropriately licen led Florida contractor
<br />iluyer dsa1L priors* BuYeds Occupancy at not lea than 10daysprior todoatng whicblyaraoasrs fire, report is wrisngto Seller Its dl items that do not meet tha
<br />above dsndards sate defects. Unless Buyer thwlyreporusuch defeds, Buyer shell be deemed to hove waived S+11er'a vnnrntin as to defecunot reported. Ifre•
<br />coir!or replaaernaauart requited to mnrlywAh, [his Standard, Seller 'hall cause Iherri be nude and shall pay up to the amount provided in par+graph X11i(b)
<br />Seiler is not required to Make repoin or replOgasenu are martmodc n sturo unless cured bya defed Salter is responsible to repair at lapisae. if rho onst for such
<br />=epAv or raplamnsentaxatds dt+amrtuntpravidM o paragraph XIII(b), BUM or Selter Rimy vied topoymudn exmgk fiitin; wfiidn eitherpanyrruyanm! t?tis
<br />':'oalrad. [fSetier is unable to correct the defodspriwr to doming the core Ihereofstallbepaid into escrow at dosing Seller shall, upon tseanahle
<br />hula;rs servloomi ammem to the Noperty for inrpodionr, Including a vnik{hroog)h prior to doxinl, tomnRrmlhae all Rnm of personal lYopa liteotice, provide
<br />nn
<br />croperty and, subjeita the fareaeingthu all required reppen
<br />airs and Fcplsaernmu havtbem made and thstthtProy, ihdud'ang but nit l any to, an yin Rade
<br />Ile
<br />lawn, scrub.
<br />,cry rad POOL ifarly, ham been msituir ed irk thecondition exisingas ofEtfedive, hate, ordinrrywear and tear exocgted.
<br />7t RJ.rk Of Loss if the prop arty it dAmaged by rue or otha cru IIty be rote do ting and nhu ofresto r at ion de as not exceed SX oftha assessed vA Its atian arthe
<br />'top arty to da raged, na rt arrestor Won ds all be an obliplion. aflha Salim and da a tng tit all promtd P nu ant to the terve orthis Canurad with Federation wtu
<br />saowtd at dasin & Ifthe matar Fagot elioneAArods 3%oftha Iaamed vsIts +lion Ortha Prop any w 11mmgrd, BuyerAhaIIbaye the option a(ci ilrr faking the
<br />Yopeny w is, togtaher with eilih r the 3%or in esu fan cc p ra cards It syable by virtue ofsu ch lora a damage. or of an ml in a th is Contras meed rerrF4vh relum
<br />robe dap DoR(s). l
<br />'. PYoatW] 0fSAlr; ❑adng PraaduIt: The deed its atIbe recorded upon desrancc arsonits, lfn Absuaaoftide hss been furn his ad. evidmtroftitleall aII ba
<br />on ter urd It Duyer's exp an ae to thaw villa in so her. vweh0ut ar,yan :;rntn wrist or dhn lit wb ids wvu lel Aon der Seller' s rifle un rte rkenab to &am III due oftha I&A
<br />i
<br />taence An �closingproaccdashall be held m eaorasr byScller'a stromeyar other muluallyssxmubtn ra.�w,... itrct s Pc;ivd of not more than S days drier dol.
<br />cl dare. if Serlda rifle is rendre en lr. ''ver, rnrough no lauh of Flu her, payer ah+N., wills afl the Sdayperiad, notify Sellar in wrangoflha defea mdtieller
<br />hs11 hAye 34dmyt LomdRa prreaeipl afaudh notirmstionta cera the defed. SfSeliar railsia timelywre the dtfed, all deposil(a) and dolingfunde shall, upon
<br />.titan der and by AAyernd within S days ■Aerdeaaand, beraumed to Buyersrsd, sierxtnaneousIyv Rh suds repayment, Buyer shall ratumthe Personal Prop•
<br />ny, wade the Real Propenynd rewnwythffprgptdylo Stller by 1ptdal w+rrtntydccd end biilafuee. Irm ee faces la make timafydemand rorreflsnd, Buyer
<br />nateuk.e title" is, wsivitgnll si�¢ste +prod Seiler rAa ny iniervanir - defea except gamaybe avaitoblete Buyer byvinua of varrentjaa aonL&"'at the dots
<br />'bill afult. Ifaportion oftha purdisseprice u m
<br />to born fvnerldrhlorrernantinl, requirtmmu. orrhe Imdiage
<br />f da y on d proced ur ea for dosing, and ro r d isbu rseusen l of martg p pro reeds ah sll control over mnu oryp ro vision n this Central- O0. Stnatitution ntopl+ar,tim
<br />Nu ire fracorhefend'vhenditutian a mJlen ennmitnasrnttis+t ft eller shell h a va Ui a right to
<br />will non withhold disburseementafmartPlge procradsas A I tsuh 0 f an y title dared Aoribuuble to
<br />uywr nplpr. The escrow and drain gprovedure requied by this Standard shall be waived if thctitie agent nsures adverse matters pursuant to Semon
<br />V 794 I, F. S., u Aman d cad.
<br />n EscromAnyeaaowacon t('Avid')rcceivisgfunds oroil uivatell tisoulhori zed andmyaesbyahsepunmvfthemto depaIh Cham promptly, hold remain
<br />,vow rad, rubjed to cairn an, disburse waxen aa�rdnom with teryre and condiiianS of sola Caner ed.. Foiluseoffundxto dear shall mol amaaa Buyer'+perrar.
<br />anal. If in do 4 a to Apstt' a dutlsm or IiIbilitics under th a provision s or dt is ContrA a, Agin may, at Agent's option, continua to hold tha mbjad maurr of tha
<br />wow until the it maw hareem air" to da dircmit mum or until a ju J gcolenl are aaun a fat rrpttont jurisdiction shall ciclerm inI Us rt ghte arth e p anion, a
<br />gem t may d op a sit aama olds lit a dant of tit a deco it won h atin gjuri sd idi on of th a di sputa. Up on Is asifyin g colt p "ca an earn ad ofsueh action, ail Ii ob idly on the
<br />or; 9rAgent stall fill llyttrmehetc, amapl to the extant ofsomunt'ongfor any items pie jously dclive red ouI ofesorow. Ifo 1i -ell ed reel e..ata brukn. Agent will
<br />•reply wihh provision a a rCla cap ter 475, F S., am mrs--n dad AA suq boa-e,n Bu}tr end Seller wherein Agrrt is raw de spmrly because aPading a Apart hereunder,
<br />- in id6amah autart.61 corkserowdAmdifjquinleVFOrtJheescrow, Agent shall rewverransonabfeattorney, fees and costs gtwrredwththeme Amounlmlo
<br />mi
<br />sp+iddomandavtaRhe eaaawvdfitndaaragvinlentAnd dsargedand awarded atmuncosts infaverofthaprevaii'meparty. neAgent lhannot belimbleto
<br />IYPAAY or person for nrdsdelNtry la BuynorSenor ofiterm subject to the eaaow, unless Audi nusdtfivery is due towiiiful breach oftheprovisions orthis Can.
<br />actor paamcgjigusmofAlraht
<br />-Asomeyo for Pu Flair, Ofte:ln any noel.tUon, including Sell
<br />enrot comm" or lnterfhrestion, ArisingaulaMilt Contract, the praysitingpArty in rude Ihiption,
<br />A. for purpow afthis Steens+rd. stall nduda Seller, Soyer and anybra kerI Idin gin A&anryor isonageney relationships authoritedby ChapIt, A73, F.S., u
<br />rrmdad, ahaHba entitiod to rem ver from hhenon-prewstlinepartyredronable attorneys reel, costs and exinimma
<br />FWFwvofFertoerrsma:Irmyerfailstoperformthis Conusawithin the Little specified
<br />,badudmePayrrtettarm lidapotiu thedeposiu(a) paid byF3uycrand
<br />yas&(r)spoad to be paid, may reoovsYad and FdAnad by rad ear the amount efSelltr er slyeed upon flQuidurd dlm+pr,wnsfdcr+sign rot tile rxeurlion of
<br />u Contract and r full tdYlamm4 orany claims; whereupan. Buyer and Seller dssll be relicwd afall abliptioni Under (his ContrAd; or Seiler, rt Selter'A option,
<br />a) proceed in Cquilyta en Torre Sonnei srig)Sv under this Cantrsa..Irfor snyresson other than feature of Seller to nukeSeller'n[iife nwircrAbltalter diligent
<br />Lho Seven byivs el)oaa or tion for
<br />to perfarern ukiCo"trad tltc Meyer may Seek vIncificperfatmanre or eled toreaej, the return of Iheyer's depot C(
<br />f)
<br />thouu thsnebywsivingany motion for dsntAles rrauhingfromScIler'I bre.+dh.
<br />Uncut NotRecosdable; Persona Bound; Nadce:Nthher thit Contract nor nynotice orit "it be recorded m AnyptiWierecotda. Tbts Contract shall bind
<br />,t Omni b y or to the bmefitafthe pinna and their +udxxwrs
<br />bogr n interest- uihestohel Ole ranterdPermits. singular thin include plural and one gender shall include ail
<br />tine to th a Manley for any p Orly shall al i be a t effodFve am ifliven b y or to th at p a ny.
<br />C om+eyancrtSeller shall wnveytitle to the Real PeoptnybyuawtorywArrnty, uudea's, persanml represcrtatiwe's or V)Ardisn'rdeed. as approprisletothe
<br />tar ufSsller, sujedonlylan ulmn milubn+d in Paregrapb VII and those othc+xi+asocvptedbybuyer. Personal Property Shell. at the request ofute puyer,be
<br />ndeneel byan Ibaolute 6111 afsalavwh wsrrnty ORA le. Au bleat oniyto audt Its Met a+s M1 beatherwist provided rot hare in.
<br />cit harApveaaragnlm: No prior or rregion I ap"man to ofrapraaotulions sh a I I be It in It ingupon Ihtyer or Set let urs Ivan in eluded in We Centrad. No modification
<br />DrdtAnp is this Contrast Ain he valid at bndisluponthcpaniea unlash in %riling
<br />ids have not been disclosed to Buyer, and axemnled bythepany orpamiss intmded to be bound by it
<br />h4'"e"Rly: Salter trarrenu th at there are na Ards iolown to Seltax rrulntally affedn;l the value afAt a Property whish era not readily Observable by routeroe
<br />The Floridaion ofihi fli afRuhrsra and foul BoaadlAnodation mrRemltorarnatea no representation u to the legal vsltdityar adequacy or
<br />nypror additionssrThis ronyapegfietranaadian. this sundardiredfomt Should not beUsed inmaplextranudionsoreith crdmj;w
<br />rider+ or add'dlarv+. 7hEA farm is available for use by the entire real r0old indu-stry and is not 'nirrsded la identify, the user at a
<br />REALTOR(R). REALTOR(R) isaregidered mneaive rnenhlinship nhmikthat nuybeused onlybyreslasuta Ilaanrtoa who ere meiltbera
<br />orthe Notional Ano®.tion of REALTORS(R) and oho subrrsibe to fu CodeafEthits The cop)ridhttawsartFa Unktd States{17 it S
<br />Code) forbid the unewhoriaed reptodudrbi
<br />ion onk lamest byany meunm indudngl+ratmrle or vxhnptileriam forms
<br />Al 4 form
<br />17rp3 Copyright l99%SO- Florida Aasolimhin of Realaer35 Pty. Bom7Y3(yy5 00endo. Florida 371t72.SfrIS All Ri,#nls Reserved Tata 1 of )
<br />s foms is ii�asrd for tram by iS(i•MrJUtirter F'ublishng JOYSarid333
<br />