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GF.oSyNnx GoNs[dt.TANTs <br />Mr. Ronald. R. Brooks <br />S June 1999 <br />Page 5 <br />GeoSyntec will modify the PRAT' in accordance with direction given by IRC at the draft <br />PRAP review meeting. A second draft PRAP will be submitted for IRC's review. Only <br />minor editorial comments are anticipated (to be provided by IRC via facsimile or <br />teleconference),. <br />Task 3: Pre are PRAP for Submittal to FDEP <br />GcoSyntec will prepare five copies of the PRAP for submission to IRC for internal <br />distribution and forwarding to FDEP. GcoSyntec proposes that a meeting will be held <br />with FDEP concurrent with submittal of the PRAP. We have included budget for a 0.5 - <br />day meeting with FDEP to present the PRAP. The primary purpose of this meeting will <br />be to discuss the contents of and recommendations presented within the PRAP. Mr. <br />Chris Herin and Ms. Nandra Weeks will attend the meeting. Note: Addressing FDEP <br />comments (if any) will be handled under a separate (to be determined) budget. <br />BUDGET ESTIMATE <br />The rest estimate for preparing the PRAP as described herein is $29,716.iu, The <br />breakdown of the costs by hours and tasks is presented in the attached cost estimate <br />spreadsheet. GcoSyntec notes that cost estimates for performing work subsequent to <br />the approval of the PRAP are not included in the estimate presented above. Separate <br />cost estimates will be prepared at a later date to implement the Source Identification <br />Workplan, the pilot test program, MNA Evaluation Workplan, and any other fieldwork <br />that is warranted or necessary in IRC's efforts to address the Gifford Road Landfill site. <br />In addition, a separate cost estimate will be prepared at a inter date to prepare the RAP <br />for the site. <br />X R9Ii 070/F990270, D(7 C <br />42 - .. - - 'Y I&L <br />