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as <br />to include the dates the field survey work was completed. Ten signed and sealed copies of the <br />report shall be provided. <br />The deliverables will include a report signed and sealed and contour maps at 1" = 200' scale on a <br />half size plan (11" x 17"). One copy of a reproducible Mylar of the 1" = 200' map shall be <br />provided for reproduction utilizing a copying machine. Written and numeric data must be <br />readable. A 24" X 36" drawing will also be provided. We will also provide the SWDD with the <br />survey data and drawings on 3-1/2" diskette in AutoCAD 12.0. <br />It is estimated that it will take approximately four weeks from the time that CDM receives notice <br />to proceed to complete the work outlined in Tasks 100 and 200. The survey will be performed <br />within one week of approval and the report submitted within one month. <br />G-2 <br />