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AMENDMENT NO.2 TO WORK ORDER NO. 15 <br />IXORA PARK SEWER SYSTEM REHABILITATION <br />ADDITIONAL DESIGN SERVICES <br />Indian River County Department of Utility Services <br />PROJECT UNDERSTANDING <br />Kimley-Horn and Associates (the "Consultant") prepared 90% design plans under <br />Task 3 (FULL SEWER PIPE REPLACEMENT) as outlined within Amendment No.1 <br />to Work Order No. 15. The Indian River County Department of Utility Services <br />(IRCDUS) requested that all gravity sewers be relocated to the centerline of the <br />roadway as opposed to a direct replacement where it exists today. Note that most of <br />the existing gravity sewer is located off the roadway centerline. The Consultant <br />identified during the 90% design plan development that most of the gravity sewers <br />did not meet IRCDUS or Regulatory Agency requirements (substandard slopes and <br />manhole depths). In addition, IRCDUS requested that all water distribution mains <br />be relocated to within the roadway right of ways as opposed to behind the homes <br />and where water mains existed in the roadways, that they be replaced as well. <br />These two additional requests by staff were outside of the Amendment No.1 scope <br />and the Consultant proceeded in good faith with this out -of -scope work to assist <br />IRCDUS in acquiring grants. These additions were incorporated within the 90% <br />design plans as submitted to IRCDUS. <br />Upon completion of the 90% design plans and review by IRCDUS, it was <br />determined that the gravity sewer system should not be constructed as a <br />substandard system and that the internal roadways should be designed to meet <br />current residential cross/ longitudinal slope requirements where possible without <br />making changes to the profile grade and current drainage catch basin locations. The <br />project was placed on hold and this Amendment will cover the Consultants fee for <br />performing the out -of -scope work noted above. <br />In response to IRCDUS requests as noted above, the following amended scope of <br />services shall be performed. <br />Pagel of 3 <br />