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AMENDED SCOPE OF WORK <br />TASK 3 - REVISED SEWER SYSTEM REHABILITATION <br />Task 3.1- Design Drawings <br />Consultant will prepare 90% design plans to include the following. <br />• Re -design the gravity sewer system in Ixora Park East and West to be placed <br />in the centerline of the roadway. <br />• Design a new water distribution system (Phase 2 only) within the roadways, <br />with fire hydrants and relocated water services in the front of the homes. <br />• Investigate the roadway and drainage concept to be used within Ixora Park <br />East and West to include proposed road grades with standard residential <br />slopes, new standard valley gutters, new drainage structures at current <br />locations and driveway adjustments where required. <br />ADDITIONAL SERVICES <br />Any services not specifically provided for in the above scope will be billed as <br />Additional Services and performed at then -current hourly rates. Additional services <br />we can provide include but are not limited to construction phase services. <br />SCHEDULE <br />The above referenced scope of work has been completed and submitted to IRCDUS. <br />FEE SCHEDULE <br />We will provide these services in accordance with our Continuing Services Contract <br />Agreement for Professional Services dated April 17th, 2018, with Indian River <br />County Department of Utility Services. <br />The Consultant will provide professional services for Tasks 3.1 on a lump sum fee <br />basis as follows: <br />Task No. Task Task Fee <br />TASK 3.1 Design Drawings $31,254.00 <br />TOTAL $31,254.00 <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />