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10/5/2023 9:54:14 AM
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Board of County Commissioners
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ORDER NO. PSC -2023 -0253 -TRF -EI <br />DOCKET NO. 20230045 -El <br />PAGE 6 <br />conversions of existing non -hardened overhead feeder facilities and to include the waived <br />existing facilities cost in net plant in service pursuant to Rule 25-6.115, F.A.C.S <br />In this filing, FPL seeks to revise Tariff Sheet No. 6.300 to clarify that the costs for all <br />existing non -storm hardened distribution facilities costs, which include both feeders and laterals, <br />from the calculation of CIRC. The current tariff, as approved in Order No. PSC -2018 -0050 -TRF - <br />EI, only refers to feeders. FPL further requests that we determine that there are quantifiable <br />benefits to excluding the existing costs for all non -hardened overhead distribution facilities, i.e., <br />both feeders and laterals. <br />FPL also proposes to modify existing language and include additional language to its <br />Underground Facilities Conversion Agreement, on Tariff Sheet No. 9.722. The proposed tariff <br />modifications state that all facilities within the project must be converted to underground. In its <br />petition, FPL stated that the proposed revisions are not a substantive change, but rather intended <br />to clarify the scope of the underground conversion project and avoid or reduce customer <br />confusion. <br />A. Storm Protection Plan and Cost Recovery <br />In February 2020, Rules 25-6.030, F.A.C., Storm Protection Plan (SPP), and 25-6.031, <br />F.A.C., Storm Protection Plan Cost Recovery Clause (SPP Clause), were codified to implement <br />Section 366.96, F.S. The SPPs cover the immediate 10 year planning period and are filed with us <br />at least every three years. The plans must explain the systematic approach the utility will follow <br />to achieve the objectives of reducing restoration costs and outage times associated with extreme <br />weather events and enhancing reliability. The SPP Clause allows the utility to seek recovery <br />from the general body of ratepayers for prudently incurred SPP costs through an annual <br />proceeding. On April 11, 2022, FPL filed its proposed SPP for the period 2023-2032 for our <br />approval, which was approved with modification by Order No. PSC-2022-0389-FOF-EI.6 <br />B. Benefits to the General Body of RatepUers <br />Order No. PSC -2018 -0050 -TRF -EI lists the benefits FPL provided to support excluding <br />existing facilities costs from the calculation of CIAC for underground conversions of the existing <br />non -hardened overhead facilities, that otherwise would be subject to hardening. In the instant <br />petition, FPL listed similar benefits to the general body of ratepayers that the proposed revision <br />to Tariff Sheet No. 6.300 would provide. First, FPL affirmed that the general body of ratepayers <br />would pay no additional costs for the undergrounding conversions as the costs would have been <br />included as a part of FPL's SPP to harden all overhead distribution facilities; Further, FPL <br />asserted that due to the converting customer accelerating the timeline of whm FPL would have <br />hardened the facilities, the general body of ratepayers would receive the benefits of such <br />50rder No. PSC -2018 -0050 -TRF -EI, issued January 22, 2018, in Docket No. 20170148 -EI, In re: Petition for <br />determination under Rule 25-6.115, F.A.C., and approval of associated revised tariff sheet 6.300, by Florida Power <br />& Light Company. <br />"Order No. PSC-2022-0389-FOF-EI, issued November 10, 2022, in Docket No. 20220051 -EI, In re. Review of <br />Storm Protection Plan, pursuant to Rule 25-6.030, F.A.C., Florida Power & Light Company. <br />LF <br />
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