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ORDER NO. PSC -2023 -0253 -TRF -EI <br />DOCKET NO. 20230045 -El <br />PAGE 7 <br />hardening sooner. FPL stated that even in instances where facilities would have been kept <br />overhead but hardened according to its SPP, undergrounding provides greater storm resiliency <br />and day-to-day reliability, which benefits all customers. Additionally, voluntary underground <br />conversions would help to mitigate the need for storm restoration work in the converted area and <br />thus result in those resources being utilized elsewhere. Finally, FPL asserted that the proposed <br />revision to Tariff Sheet No. 6.300 could fiurther incentivize customers to voluntarily pay for the <br />conversion of non -hardened facilities and this would reduce the number of hardening projects <br />that the general body of customers would pay for through the SPP Clause. A similar tariff was <br />approved for Duke Energy Florida, LLC, in 2022 <br />C. Conclusion <br />We approve FPL's revisions to Tariff Sheet Nos. 6.300 and 9.722, effective August 31, <br />2023. Furthermore, we approve of FPL's request to include the waived existing facilities cost for <br />all non -hardened overhead distribution facilities in net plant in service. <br />Based on the foregoing, it is <br />ORDERED by the Florida Public Service Commission that Florida Power & Light <br />Company's proposed URD tariffs and associated charges as shown in Attachment A to this order <br />shall be approved, effective August 31, 2023. It is further <br />ORDERED that FPL's proposed UCD tariffs and associated charges as shown in <br />Attachment A to this order shall be approved, effective August 31, 2023. It is further <br />ORDERED that FPL's revisions to Tariff Sheet Nos. 6.300 and 9.722 as shown in <br />Attachment A to this order shall be approved, effective August 31, 2023. Furthermore, FPL's <br />request to include the waived existing facilities cost for all non -hardened overhead distribution <br />facilities in net plant in service shall be approved. It is further <br />ORDERED that if a protest is filed within 21 days of issuance of the Order, the tariff <br />shall remain in effect with any charges held subject to refund pending resolution of the protest. <br />It is further <br />ORDERED that if no timely protest is filed, this docket shall be closed upon the issuance <br />of a Consummating Order. <br />'Order No. PSC -2022 -0336 -TRF -EI, issued September 28, 2022, in Docket No. 20220089 -EI, In re. Petition for <br />approval of modifications to rate schedule tariff sheet No. 4.122 and determination under Rule 25-6.113(12), <br />F.A. C., by Duke Energy Florida, LLC. <br />