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ProcCamation <br />DESIGNATING SEPTEMBER 16, 2023, AS <br />INTERNATIONAL COASTAL CLEANUP DAY IN INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA <br />-Whereas, September 16, 2023, the third Saturday of September, is a day recognized around the <br />world for inspiring and encouraging the act of removing debris from the environment in coastal areas to <br />create trash -free seas; and <br />Wfiiereas, the global movement of coastal cleanups on this day has led to the removal of over 350 <br />million pounds of trash from critical waterways and coastal areas worldwide; and <br />-Whereas, Indian River County, Florida is made up of 22.4 miles of coastline bordering not only the <br />Atlantic Ocean but is inclusive of one ocean inlet and an estuary of national significance, the Indian River <br />Lagoon; and <br />-Whereas, in 2022, approximately 800 community members of Indian River County engaged in the <br />act of service by volunteering on International Coastal Cleanup Day, removing 2,305 pounds of debris from <br />beaches and the Indian River Lagoon, enhancing and helping to restore these critical coastal habitats that <br />provide economically and environmentally important functions; and <br />-Whereas, we join Coastal Connections and the 24 additional Park Champions made up of local <br />charities, service groups, and businesses who make the largest coastal cleanup in Indian River County <br />possible and successful each year; and <br />^Whereas, all residents are encouraged to participate in a cleanup on this day to keep waterways <br />and recreational areas of Indian River County clean of debris. <br />Now, 111herefore, be it Proclaimed by the Board of County Commissioners of Indian <br />River County, Florida, that September 16, 2023, be designated as INTERNATIONAL COASTAL <br />CLEANUP DAY and that citizens of the county are urged to join in this day by cleaning up debris to <br />protect the coastal habitats that ultimately protect and provide for our community. <br />Adopted this 12th day of September, 2023. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA <br />Joseph H. Earman, Chairman <br />Susan Adams, Vice Chairman <br />Joseph E. Flescher <br />Deryl Loar <br />Laura Moss <br />