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40 <br />• <br />ATTACHMENT B <br />SCOPE OF SERVICES AND SCHEDULE <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL DISTRICT <br />ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR <br />RENEWAL OF LANDFILL OPERATION PERMIT AND STORMWATER PERMIT <br />Project Understanding <br />The Indian River County Solid Waste Disposal District (SWDD) operates a Class I Landfill and <br />other solid waste management facilities for Indian River County residents. The Florida Department <br />of Environmental Protection (FDEP) issues operation permits which must be renewed every 5 years <br />for the operation of solid waste disposal facilities. The SWDD permit needs to be renewed and <br />updated for the next 5 years. This FDEP Operations Permit also includes the closure of Segment 1, <br />the partial closure of Segment 2 and the Waste Tire Processing Operation. <br />Task 1.0 - PREPARATION OF PERMIT RENEWAL APPLICATION FOR THE LANDFILL <br />The solid waste renewal application consists of the 41 page Chapter 62-701.900 FAC checklist and <br />all other supporting information, The major information for the permit application is the updating of <br />all information since the last permit modification. The applicant must complete Parts A, B, D, E, F, <br />H, I, K through R, and T of the application. The anticipated effort required for each of the parts is <br />described in the following paragraphs. <br />Parts A, B, D, E, and F consist of data forms and general facility information (location of airports, <br />floodplain, zoning/land use, solid waste projections, airspace volume, etc.). Most of the information <br />developed for the December 1995 operations permit modification is usable for the permit renewal, <br />with some revisions for changes in facility operations since January 1996, and for required updates. <br />Part H of the permit application reflects the results of the hydrogeological investigation for the site. <br />Much of the hydrogeological information for the site can be taken from the hydrogeological report <br />submitted with the February 1994 operations permit renewal. <br />"-1 w*ll i 6iei unuc and summarize the geotechnical investigation performed for the lateral and <br />vertical expansions of Segment 2 and the Infill. <br />Part K information is an operations plan which describes in detail the operations, safety, and training <br />procedures which are used on a daily basis to minimize the risk of environmental degradation. Most <br />of the operations manual prepared for the Infill operation permit modification will be used for this <br />renewal submittal. <br />Part L describes the water quality and leachate monitoring plan for the site. A comprehensive report <br />describing hydrogeology, the groundwater and surface water monitoring system, and leachate <br />sampling has been prepared and will be submitted prior to this renewal being submitted. This report <br />is the Indian River County Landfill Biennial Water Quality Report for the 1997 and 1998 water <br />quality data. <br />03W•Wo <br />August 11, 1999 B—I <br />