Rulemaking Authority 374.976(2) FS. Law Implemented 374.976(1)-(3) FS. History—New 12-17-90, Amended 9-2-92, 6-24-93, 2-3-94, 4-12-95, 9-
<br />5-96, 2-6-97, Formerly 16T-2.008, Amended 5-17-98, 3-31-99, 5-25-00, 3-21-01, 7-30-02, 3-20-03, 3-3-04, 4-15-07, 3-25-08, 4-1-09, 2-22-10, 3-7-
<br />11, 3-7-12, 1-27-14, 2-17-15, 2-21-16, 3-25-21, 3-9-23.
<br />66B-2.009 Project Administration.
<br />The District will appoint a project manager who shall be responsible for monitoring the project and the project agreement. The
<br />project manager shall also be responsible for approving all reimbursement requests. The project sponsor shall appoint a liaison
<br />agent, who will be a member of the eligible applicant's staff, to act on its behalf in carrying out the terms of the project agreement.
<br />Administration of the project will be as follows:
<br />(1) Project Agreement: For each funded project, the District and the project sponsor will enter into a project agreement. The
<br />project agreement shall be executed and returned by the project sponsor within six (6) months of the approval of the project funding
<br />and prior to the release of program funds, setting forth the mutual obligations of the parties concerning the project. The project
<br />agreement shall incorporate the applicable policies and procedures of the program as outlined in this rule. Project agreements will be
<br />for a two-year period with the possibility for one, one-year extension. Any request for a one-year extension of funding shall require
<br />submittal by the PROJECT SPONSOR of a request for extension to the DISTRICT no later than July of fiscal year two of the
<br />approved project. This request will then be considered by the DISTRICT Board, whose decision shall be final. In review of these
<br />requests, the Board will take into consideration the current status and progress of the project and the ability of the applicant to
<br />complete the project within one additional year.
<br />(2) Matching Funds: The project sponsor shall clearly identify and enumerate the amount and source of the matching funds it
<br />will be using to match the program funds supplied by the District for an approved project. The project sponsor shall provide suitable
<br />evidence that it has the matching funds available at the time the project agreement is executed.
<br />(3) Agreement Modification: All proposed changes to the project agreement must be submitted to the District in writing by the
<br />project sponsor accompanied by a statement of justification for the proposed changes. All project agreement amendments shall be
<br />approved by the District Board, except that the Executive Director may approve a minor project agreement amendment for a project
<br />within a county with the local District commissioner's concurrence. A minor project amendment shall not change the approved
<br />project's category, result in a reallocation of more than 35% of the approved funding of the project among project elements, nor
<br />allow for a greater than 35% change in the project scale or scope of work. Project agreement amendments will not include a change
<br />to the approved project's location or a change in the approved project's purpose or project type. Agreed changes shall be evidenced
<br />by a formal amendment to the project agreement and shall be in compliance with these rules.
<br />(4) Project Reporting: The liaison agent will submit quarterly reports to the project manager summarizing the work
<br />accomplished since the last report, problems encountered, percentage of project completion and other appropriate information. These
<br />reports shall continue throughout the length of the project period until completion of the project. The report shall be submitted on
<br />Form 95-02, "Assistance Program Project Quarterly Status Report," dated 7-30-02, hereby incorporated by reference and available
<br />at the District office. A Final Project Report shall be submitted at the completion of the project and shall at minimum include:
<br />project summary, photo of completed project, final cost, project benefits to the waterway and location address.
<br />(5) Reimbursement Requests: The liaison agent may submit periodic reimbursement requests during the project period in
<br />accordance with Rule 6613-2.011, F.A.C. The project manager will approve or disapprove all reimbursement requests. The final
<br />payment of program funds will be made upon certified completion of the project by the District.
<br />(6) Project Inspection: Upon reasonable request, the project manager shall have the right to inspect the project and any and all
<br />records relating to the project.
<br />(7) Project Completion: The project shall be completed within three (3) years of the date of the beginning of the District's first
<br />fiscal year for which the project was approved. If the completion of a project is impacted by a declared state of emergency and the
<br />Board waives this rule section, the extension of time granted shall not exceed one additional three (3) year period.
<br />(8) Project Completion Requirements: Upon completion of the project, the liaison agent shall provide the following to the
<br />project manager:
<br />(a) A Project Completion Certificate, FIND Form No. 90-13 (effective date 7-30-02), hereby incorporated by reference and
<br />available from the District office, which certifies that the project was completed in accordance with the project agreement and the
<br />final project plans.
<br />(b) A final reimbursement request accompanied by all required billing statements and vouchers.
<br />