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(c) Photograph(s) showing the installation of the sign required by Rule 6613-2.013, F.A.C. <br />(d) Photograph(s) of the completed project clearly showing the program improvements. <br />(9) Project Completion Review: The project manager will review the project completion package and will authorize or reject the <br />final reimbursement payment which will include all retained funds from previous requests. <br />Rulemaking Authority 374.976(2) FS. Law Implemented 374.976(1) FS. History—New 12-17-90, Formerly 16T-2.009, Amended 3-21-01, 7-30-02, <br />3-7-11, 1-27-14,3-25-21. <br />6613-2.011 Reimbursement. <br />The District shall release program funds in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the project agreement. This release <br />of program funds shall be on a reimbursement only basis. The District shall reimburse the project sponsor for project costs expended <br />on the project in accordance with the project agreement. Project funds to be reimbursed will require the submission of a <br />Reimbursement Request Form and required supporting documents, FIND Form No. 90-14 (effective date 7-30-02) hereby <br />incorporated by reference and available from the District office. <br />(1) Authorized Expenditures: Project funds shall not be spent except as consistent with the project agreement cost estimate that <br />was approved by the Board, which shall be an attachment to the project agreement. This cost estimate will establish the maximum <br />funding assistance provided by the District and the percentage of funding provided by each party to the project. The District will pay <br />the lesser of: <br />(a) The percentage total of project funding that the Board has agreed to fund, or <br />(b) The maximum application funding assistance amount. <br />(2) Phase I Reimbursement: In accordance with these rules, reimbursement cannot be made on a Phase I application until a <br />construction contract is executed by the applicant for the construction phase of the project. If the Phase I project is completed but a <br />construction contract is not executed by the three (3) year project deadline, then the District shall only allow one (1) year from the <br />Phase I project deadline to enter into the required construction contract before the Phase I funding is cancelled. <br />(3) Reimbursement Requests: All project costs shall be reported to the District and summarized on the Reimbursement Request <br />Form. All requests for reimbursement shall include supporting documentation such as billing statements for work performed and <br />cancelled payment vouchers for expenditures made. <br />(4) Retainage: The District shall retain ten percent (10%) of all reimbursement payments until final certification of completion <br />of the project. The District shall withhold any reimbursement payment, either in whole or part, for non-compliance with the terms of <br />this agreement. <br />(5) Check Presentations: A District representative shall present the final reimbursement check to the project sponsor during a <br />public commission meeting or public dedication ceremony for the project facility. <br />(6) Recovery of Additional Project Funding: If the project sponsor receives additional funding for the project costs from another <br />source that was not identified in the original application and that changes the agreement cost -share percentage, the project sponsor <br />shall proportionately reimburse the District's program funds equal to the cost -share percentage in the approved project agreement. <br />The project sponsor shall promptly notify the District of any project payments it receives from a source other than the District. <br />Rulemaking Authority 374.976(2) FS. Law Implemented 374.976(1) FS. History—New 12-17-90, Amended 6-24-93, Formerly 16T-2.011, Amended <br />3-31-99, 7-30-02, 3-7-11. <br />6613-2.012 Accountability. <br />The following procedures shall govern the accountability of program funds: <br />(1) Accounting: Each project sponsor is responsible for maintaining an accounting system which meets generally accepted <br />accounting principles and for maintaining such financial records as necessary to properly account for all program funds. <br />(2) Quarterly Reports: The project sponsor shall submit quarterly project status reports to FIND in accordance with subsection <br />66B-2.009(4), F.A.C. <br />(3) Completion Certification: All required final completion certification documents and materials as outlined in subsection 66B- <br />2.009(8), F.A.C., of this rule shall be submitted to the District prior to final reimbursement of program funds. <br />(4) Auditing: All project records including project costs shall be available for review by the District or by an auditor selected by <br />the District for 3 years after completion of the project. Any such audit expenses incurred shall be borne entirely by the project <br />sponsor. <br />